Eduardo Duhalde: ‘I think Millay was as groggy as Alberto Fernandez was at the time’

2024-10-21 21:32:00

As affairs within the National People’s Union boil over, with violent clashes between President Javier Milley and former President Cristina Kirchner exacerbating extreme polarization in the country, former President Eduardo Duhalde expressed his disapproval of the two men. Very harsh and made predictions about the future. “Without unity among all political factions, we have no way out.”

Eduardo Duhalde served as Mayor of Lomas de Zamora, Governor of Buenos Aires and elected National Congress in the first days of 2002, following the economic and social crisis of late 2001. president.

Ricardo Quintera and Cristina Kirchner

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The veteran Buenos Aires leader, who was also Vice President under Carlos Saúl Menem (1989-1993), was very critical of President Javier Milley’s administration .

“The truth is, I don’t have a very good opinion of the government of this country. “At the time I said that Alberto Fernandez was groggy. Now, the same thing is happening to Milais. In my opinion, a It’s difficult for someone who claims to want to destroy the state and is anarcho-capitalist to govern a country in this national context and in a global context: I’m going to be ironic: the president seems to have to believe that in Israel, they don’t believe in the state… (laughs) ). I don’t know, I don’t quite understand everything that Milley did and said. “He was intellectually nonchalant in most of his speech,” he assured the show. Responsible FM 95.1.

Regarding leaving the country, the former president called for a “government of unity” against a backdrop of strong polarization between liberals and Kirchnerism. “I don’t believe in one-party government,” Duhalde said before explaining his idea of ​​a “coalition government.”

“I have long maintained that I do not believe in party government. The idea of ​​a governing party and an opposition party is old and we have to govern together. It is difficult, but you have to try. I was mayor (Lomas de Sar) Mora), the governor of Buenos Aires and the president. Whoever wins must govern, but the opposition must ensure that there is no corruption,” said Buenos Aires. The Sri Lankan leader said that he has not had any influence on the national political stage for a long time. He devoted himself to teaching at different universities abroad and writing books on government administration.

Martin Larriola

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“Before he became president in 2002, (Raul) Alfonsín called me and told me: ‘I wish you good luck tomorrow when you become president.'” I didn’t answer him at all. I told him we must govern everyone. Then Don Raul answered me: “I don’t know that I have a timid friend.” Then I explained to him what my thoughts were on the coalition. So we worked on a 10-point agreement that could be implemented, and after the 2001 crisis we created the Argentinian Productive Movement with Alfonsín, and in my government we put a lot of emphasis on production.

Inside Peronism

Duhalde was very harsh on the current Peronism, in which there was a bitter struggle between Cristina Kirchner and the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kisilov, which led to Rioja Governor Ricardo Quintera became the candidate for party president. If there are no modifications, PJ will begin her internship on November 17th.

“I don’t believe in anyone who wants to lead Peronism today. Not Cristina, not Axel Kisilov, not Maximo Kirchner, not[Ricardo]Quintera. I don’t Believe them, because as I said before, I don’t believe in party government. These leaders are far from calling everyone to participate in governance. The last book I wrote was called. community democracythat’s what I call: a government that’s with everyone. Otherwise, the country will have no way out.

commend. Former President Eduardo Duhalde was very critical of most national Peronist leaders but praised Córdoba's Peronist governors, including Juan Schiareti. (sound/archive) commend. Former President Eduardo Duhalde was very critical of most national Peronist leaders but praised Córdoba’s Peronist governors, including Juan Schiareti. (sound/archive)

Duhalde took a tough stance when asked if he believed Cristina Kirchner could return to power.

“Christina was a lively woman with the ability to speak well, but one day she said one thing and the next day another. Politically, he was incomparable to Nestor (Kirchner), who later He understands what governance means, even though I don’t agree with his ideas,” he said.

Duhalde was very critical of all Peronist leaders, even Vice President Carlos Menem, who accompanied him.

“The Day of Loyalty is just one of them. There is not much loyalty on the other days. The current justism has nothing to do with Peron’s justism. But I must also say that the Menem government also has nothing to do with the justist ideology. Carlos ( Menem), Néstor (Kirchner) and Cristina (Fernández de Kirchner) do not believe in a productive state. I have never understood why the governments who call themselves Peronists do not. Believing that production and work are indispensable to move a country forward. This is what developed countries do and it is a joint effort of the business community and workers to get away with it. This is ridiculous to me from the beginning of my political career. Having said that, the fundamental thing is unity and production. So I have a lot of disagreements with Carlos (Menem), who I have great affection and respect for, but I don’t agree on the production issue,” he said.

Local celebrations. Lopez, Passerini, Llaryora and Vigo at the PJ Capital event.

Cordobes Pajamas. Day of Loyalty, Llaryora differs from Milei management

In this sense, Duhalde greatly admired the former governors of Córdoba, José Manuel de la Sota and Juan Schiareti. and current president Martín Llaryora.

“Córdoba has a great governor. I’m proud because I’m kind of from Cordoba and proud of all the family I have in this beautiful province. It seems like another country. They told me, I’m exaggerating, but I love all the work done by all justist governments. “These efforts were, and still are, justist. “

#Eduardo #Duhalde #Millay #groggy #Alberto #Fernandez #time



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