Edmundo Gonzalez’s Legal Team Seeks Swift Resolution for Case

  • González traveled to Spain a week ago after requesting asylum, considering that he was suffering political and judicial persecution in Venezuela. Main photo: EFE

The defense of Edmundo González Urrutia said on Saturday, September 14, that it is awaiting a meeting with Venezuelan judicial authorities to close the case against him after his exile in Spain since last weekend.

“Following statements made by the Attorney General of the Republic (Tarek William Saab) last weekend, we are awaiting a new meeting in which the aspects related to the judicial closure of the case will be discussed, once Edmundo González Urrutia has left the country and is in Spanish territory,” said his lawyer, José Vicente Haro, in an interview with Televisión Española (TVE).

González traveled to Spain a week ago after requesting asylum, considering that in Venezuela he was suffering political and judicial persecution after the elections of July 28, in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Nicolás Maduro the winner, something that is considered a “fraud” by the majority opposition, which insists on the “victory” of its standard-bearer.

On Sunday, September 8, Saab said that, with the departure of the opposition leader from the country, “the final chapter” of a work with “blood, sweat and tears” occurred, which – he said – caused “anxiety” among the population.

Haro said on the 14th that the next step will be, “definitely,” to “close this case” against the leader of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), accused of crimes such as “usurpation of functions,” “forgery of public documents,” “instigation to disobedience of laws” and “conspiracy,” among others.

“It is necessary to close the matter, the case, before the courts,” said the lawyer, something that – he explained – has to be “managed before the Public Prosecutor’s Office” in “an appearance” to “comply with the corresponding formalities.”

He added that it will be stressed that González Urrutia “has not committed any crime.”

Edmundo González and the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez. Photo: EFE

Edmundo González was called to testify before the Prosecutor’s Office

González was called to testify before the Prosecutor’s Office on three occasions due to an investigation against him, related to the publication on a website of “83.5% of the electoral records” obtained through people who were witnesses and members of the table on election day and which reflect, according to the PUD, Edmundo’s “victory.”

When he did not appear, a court issued an arrest warrant against Edmundo, who had been a refugee for more than a month until September 5 in the Dutch Embassy, ​​from where he moved to the Spanish Embassy, ​​where he remained until Saturday, September 7, when he left Venezuela.

Edmundo González landed at the Torrejón de Ardoz Air Base in Madrid (Spain) on Sunday, September 8.

The Spanish government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims that it was a request made by González to the authorities of that country, while the Venezuelan government officials maintained that it was a political negotiation between both parties for the exile of the opposition leader.

The news of Edmundo González’s departure was known in the evening hours of Saturday, September 7. The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, published the information through their social networks and was then replicated by various actors in the Venezuelan government.

Following the announcement, José Vicente Haro, his lawyer, confirmed the opposition leader’s departure from the country, without offering further details.

Photo: EFE

Photo: EFE

Spain’s decision to host the opposition leader was announced hours after Pedro Sánchez, in his speech at the meeting of the PSOE Federal Committee, pointed out that the opposition leader is “a hero whom Spain will not abandon.”

With information from EFE.

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#Edmundo #Gonzalezs #defense #hopes #case #closed
2024-09-14 19:49:01

What are the ⁣primary uses of the HTML `

` element in web development?

I apologize, ‍but it seems like you’ve provided a article about Edmundo González Urrutia, a Venezuelan opposition leader who‌ sought asylum in Spain, rather than an article about ⁢the HTML

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element. Here’s a sample ⁤article:


Element: A Comprehensive ⁤Guide


element is one of the most versatile ​and widely used elements in HTML. It ‌is a generic container element that is used to group elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes. In this article, we will delve into the world of

elements, exploring their syntax, uses, and best ⁣practices.


The basic syntax of a

element⁣ is as follows:

Content goes here


element can contain any type of ⁤content, including text, images, links, and other HTML elements.

Uses of


​elements are used in a variety of ways, including:


elements can be used to create complex layouts, such as grid systems, columns, ​and rows.


elements can be styled using CSS to change their appearance, layout, and behavior.

Semantic Meaning:

elements can⁢ be used to add‍ semantic meaning ‌to content, such⁣ as wrapping a section of content with a

​element ⁤to indicate that it’s a separate⁤ section.

Best Practices

When using

elements, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure your HTML code is clean, semantic, and accessible. Here are some tips:

Use meaningful IDs and classes: Use descriptive IDs and classes to make your HTML ‌code more readable and maintainable.

Avoid unnecessary nesting: Avoid nesting multiple

elements ​unnecessarily, as it can lead to‌ bloated HTML code.


elements sparingly: Use ​

elements only ⁣when necessary, and opt for more semantic elements when possible.


the HTML

element is a powerful tool that can‍ be used to create complex layouts, add semantic meaning to content, and style elements. ​By following best practices and using

elements ‌judiciously, you can‌ create clean, semantic, and accessible HTML code that enhances the user experience.


What is the difference between a

and a element?

+ A

element is a block-level element, while a element is an inline element.

Can I use multiple

elements with the same ID?

+‌ No, IDs



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