Edmundo González: The Mystery Behind the Valid Arrest Warrant

Edmundo González has an arrest warrant! The Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, stated that the summons issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to the former presidential candidate of the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González Urrutia, “are perfectly in accordance with the law and by refusing to appear he is obstructing the investigation. The arrest warrant is in force.”

“The Public Prosecutor’s Office confirms the summons (of Edmundo González) with the arrest warrant in progress and confirms that he is wanted and must be brought to justice within the framework of the Constitution and the law,” he said in a speech to the media at noon on Thursday.

Saab held a meeting with Edmundo González’s lawyer

Saab referred to the meeting he held with Edmundo González Urrutia’s lawyer, José Vicente Haro, after the former presidential candidate failed to appear following the three summonses sent.

According to the head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, “José Vicente Haro said that he would take steps to have him appear.”

“The conversation with José Vicente Haro is recorded. He advised his client to come to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, but he says that people outside the legal team pressured him not to come. He also confessed to me that he wanted to go to the TSJ,” he said.

“If he is innocent, why did he not come to the summons? (…) This letter sets a negative precedent for Venezuelan law, because according to this sector there are super first class Venezuelans above the rest and the remaining 99.99 I don’t know what class they are in. Anyone can be summoned here.”

He also indicated that the letter sent by González recognizes Venezuelan institutions and the jurisdiction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Additionally, prosecutor Saab said that within the communication sent to his office “it happens that González Urrutia takes justice into his own hands, he becomes the court, the defense, and says that he is innocent, and if he is innocent why did he not come to the summons. You knew why you were being investigated.”

Tarek William Saab, Attorney General of the Republic

On the other hand, he assured that “no NGO had anything to do with the defense of the detained adolescents.”

He asked: “How is it that they are now advocating for teenagers who participated in violent acts that were filmed, and who confessed that they were paid, no NGO had anything to do with their freedom, they are mercenary NGOs, the Public Ministry is the one who requests their freedom.”

#confirm #Edmundo #González #valid #arrest #warrant
2024-09-05 23:59:15

Edmundo González⁣ Has an ‍Arrest Warrant: What You⁤ Need to ​Know

In ‌a significant legal development within Venezuelan politics,⁢ former presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia is ⁢currently the subject of an arrest warrant​ issued by the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab. This article delves into the circumstances surrounding the warrant, statements ⁢from Saab, ⁣and reactions from González’s legal team.

Background on⁢ the Arrest Warrant

Tarek William Saab announced that the arrest warrant against Edmundo González is in ⁤effect and that González is being actively pursued by ⁣law enforcement. According to‌ Saab, the summons issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office were legally valid and criticized González for ⁣failing‌ to‌ comply ‌with these legal requests. He emphasized that by refusing to appear, González ⁤is obstructing the investigation, a serious offense⁢ under Venezuelan law.

Key Points from Tarek William Saab’s Statements

  1. Legal Framework: Saab stated ‍that the Public Prosecutor’s Office’s actions are consistent with Venezuelan law. He reiterated that the warrant serves to‍ ensure that González is brought to justice within the constitutional framework.
  1. Obstruction of Justice: Saab remarked, “If he is‌ innocent, why did he‌ not come to the summons?” This statement serves to highlight⁤ the gravity ​of the situation and the implications of non-compliance with legal⁢ proceedings.
  1. Pressure from Outside: During a meeting with González’s lawyer, José ‍Vicente Haro, Saab noted that Haro indicated González faced​ pressure from external parties not to attend the summons. Haro’s commitment to facilitating González’s appearance⁢ at the Public Prosecutor’s Office was clear, yet the persistent absence speaks volumes.
  1. Recognition of Institutions: The letter sent⁣ by⁤ González reportedly acknowledges Venezuelan institutions and the jurisdiction of⁢ the Public Prosecutor’s Office. ⁤However, Saab criticized González ‍for taking “justice into‌ his own ⁢hands”⁢ by claiming his innocence ​without opening⁤ himself ​to ⁣scrutiny ⁢by the legal ‍system.

The Legal⁤ Implications for⁣ Edmundo González

The ​issuance of⁢ an arrest ‌warrant⁣ signifies serious ⁣legal ramifications for Edmundo González. ‍He stands accused of obstructing justice by failing to cooperate with ‌the investigation against him. In Venezuela, ‌such a warrant implies that authorities ‍are authorized to detain him for questioning and potentially further ⁣legal actions.

Reactions from the Legal Community

González’s legal representative, José Vicente Haro, has stated that he will take necessary steps to‍ have his client appear before the authorities. This⁤ attempt to negotiate González’s participation reflects a desire to navigate the complex landscape of Venezuelan law, particularly under the ​current politically charged environment.

Conclusion: What Lies Ahead​ for ‌Edmundo González?

The ongoing developments concerning the‍ arrest warrant for Edmundo González ⁣highlight the tense intersection ‍of law and politics in Venezuela. As the situation ⁤unfolds, the⁢ implications for⁤ both González ‍and ‍the broader political landscape will⁣ become clearer. Observers await his next moves in response to the arrest warrant and whether he will⁢ ultimately decide to ‍appear before the authorities‍ as suggested by his legal team.

Stay Informed

For those following the ‍developments regarding Edmundo González and⁤ his legal troubles,⁢ stay tuned for ‌updates. The case encapsulates significant‍ questions about legal compliance, the nature ⁤of political pressure, ‍and ⁤the future of justice in Venezuela.

By providing a clear, structured insight into the situation surrounding Edmundo González and the arrest warrant, this ​article aims⁣ to capture the attention of readers interested in Venezuelan law, politics, and current⁢ affairs while optimizing ‍for search ⁢engine ‍visibility.



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