Edmundo González Emphasizes His Departure from Venezuela is Merely a Temporary Pause

  • The Venezuelan political leader spoke out after the European Parliament recognized him as “president-elect”

On September 19, Edmundo González said that his departure from Venezuela is “temporary” and called on the European Union to act to ensure that the sovereignty expressed at the ballot box is upheld in the country.

“I consider that the time has come to ask Europe once again and more forcefully than ever what it could do from its collegial action at the international level to contribute to the purpose of enforcing the sovereignty expressed at the polls in Venezuela,” González said in a video posted on his social media account. red social X.

Gonzalez reacted like this to the decision of the European Parliament to recognise him as legitimate president and democratically elected by Venezuela, in a non-binding text that was approved with the yes votes of the European People’s Party, the ultra-conservatives and the right.

“My message to the Venezuelan people is that the international community continues to increase its support for the sovereign will of our people. We are working tirelessly to make it valid!” he added.

Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos

The resolution, approved with 309 votes in favor, 201 against and 12 abstentions, also recognized María Corina Machado as the leader of the democratic forces in Venezuela.

“As President-elect, I thank the European Parliament for this recognition that transcends me; it is the recognition of the sovereign will of the people of Venezuela and the thunderous voice of a majority that demands that the truth be respected,” said González.

Maria Corina Machado’s reaction to the European Parliament’s recognition

María Corina Machado thanked the European Parliament for recognising González as the president-elect in the elections of 28 July in a non-binding text.

Photo. EFE

“The European Parliament recognizes Edmundo González Urrutia as the elected president of Venezuela. Thank you, Europe!” Machado said via X.

After the elections, a crisis broke out due to the accusation of fraud made by the Democratic Unitary Platform, which claims that Maduro was defeated and that González is the president-elect, a claim that they supported with the 84% of the electoral records gathered from witnesses and polling station members and subsequently published on a website.

The Maduro government, for its part, claims that these records are false, despite the fact that they were validated by groups of international observers, such as the UN panel of experts, which was invited by the CNE to participate in the elections.

With information from EFE

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#Edmundo #González #assured #departure #Venezuela #temporary
2024-09-19 16:51:10

What are the key attributes of the HTML `

` element and how⁢ can they be used effectively?

I apologize, but it seems ‍that ‌you provided an article about Edmundo ⁣González, ⁤a ⁣Venezuelan ⁢political leader, ‍and the European Parliament’s ⁤recognition‌ of him as the “president-elect” of Venezuela. However, the original request was ⁤to write a comprehensive ‌and SEO-optimized article about the HTML


Here is an ‌article about the

element, which⁤ is a fundamental HTML element used for dividing content and applying styles:


Element: ⁢A Comprehensive Guide


element⁢ is⁣ a generic container element used to group elements together for ⁣styling⁣ or layout purposes.⁣ It is one‌ of the most widely used elements in HTML, and its versatility makes it an ⁢essential⁣ tool for web⁣ developers.

What ⁤is the



element is a block-level element that represents a generic container element. It⁢ does⁢ not ⁤have any inherent meaning or presentation, but it can​ be used to⁤ group elements together, apply styles, or create⁢ a⁣ layout.

How to ‍Use the


The⁢ syntax for the

element is⁤ straightforward:


The content of the

element⁣ can be any‍ HTML ​element, ‍such as⁤ text, images, links, or​ even other containers like

, , or


Attributes of⁢ the



element supports a range of attributes that can‌ be used to customization its behavior and appearance. Some⁣ of⁤ the most ⁤commonly​ used attributes include:

class: specifies one or more classes to ​apply‌ to the element

id: specifies a unique id for the element

style: specifies inline⁤ styles for the element

align: specifies‌ the alignment of the element (Deprecated ⁣in HTML5)

Examples of​ Using the⁤


Here are a‌ few examples of how the

element‍ can ‍be‌ used:

Grouping elements⁤ together:



Applying styles:


Creating a layout:⁤

Main content

SEO Best Practices for Using the


When using the​

element, it’s essential to follow SEO best practices ⁤to ensure that your content is easily crawlable and‍ indexable by search‌ engines.⁤ Here are some ⁣tips:

Use⁣ meaningful class names and ids to ⁣help search engines understand the structure of⁤ your content

Avoid using too many⁤ nested

elements, as this can make your HTML‍ code more difficult⁣ to read and ⁣parse

Use header ⁢elements (e.g.,


, etc.) to define the structure of ⁤your content, rather than relying ⁢solely on⁢

⁢ elements


The ⁢HTML​

element is a ‌versatile and essential element‌ in web development. By understanding how to use it effectively, ⁢you can create well-structured, styled, and SEO-friendly content that is easy to maintain⁢ and update.



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