Edmundo González Claims He Faced Intimidation While Leaving Caracas for Spain

  • The opposition leader assured that he will continue “the fight to achieve freedom and the recovery of democracy in Venezuela

The standard-bearer of the largest opposition coalition in Venezuela, Edmundo González, said on Sunday, September 8, that his departure from Venezuela, bound for Spain after requesting asylum and being granted safe conduct by the government of Nicolás Maduro, “was surrounded by episodes of pressure, coercion and threats.”

“My departure from Caracas was surrounded by episodes, pressure, coercion and threats of not allowing my departure,” he said in a WhatsApp audio that his coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), released to the media.

In the message, González added that he will continue “the fight to achieve freedom and the restoration of democracy in Venezuela,” while expressing his “gratitude” for “the expressions of solidarity” after his departure from the country.

The position of Maria Corina Machado

Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos

Opposition leader María Corina Machado shares González’s position. Machado assured that she will continue fighting from Venezuela while the PUD standard-bearer will do so “from outside.”

“Let this be very clear to everyone: Edmundo will fight from outside alongside our diaspora and I will continue to do so here, alongside you,” Machado said through X.

For its part, the PUD stated that the asylum given to its leader “confirms the serious situation of state terrorism” to which, it maintained, those who “defend the popular will” would be “subjected.”

The asylum application

Edmundo González requested asylum, considering that he was suffering political and judicial persecution in Venezuela after the presidential elections of July 28, whose official victory was awarded by the National Electoral Council (CNE) to Nicolás Maduro, a result later validated by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

However, the opposition insists that González was the winner, a claim that it supported with the “83.5%” of the electoral records that it claims to have collected from witnesses and members of the polling station on voting day, which – it said – give the anti-Chavez candidate the victory by a wide margin.

As a result of this publication and the fraud complaint, González was accused of the “alleged commission” of “usurpation of functions” and “forgery of public documents,” among other crimes, for which he was summoned on three occasions by the Prosecutor’s Office.

When he did not appear, a court issued an arrest warrant against the opposition leader, who was held in custody for more than a month until September 5 at the Dutch Embassy, ​​from where he moved to the Spanish Embassy, ​​where he remained until this Saturday, when he left Venezuela.

The government announced on Saturday that it had granted the opposition leader safe passage “for the sake of political peace and tranquility.”

With information from EFE

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#Edmundo #González #denounced #coercion #threats #Caracas #Spain
2024-09-09 05:42:13

What were ⁢the ⁤circumstances ⁢leading to Edmundo González Urrutia fleeing to​ Spain?

Venezuela Opposition Leader ⁢Edmundo González Flees to Spain, Vows to‌ Continue Fight for Democracy

In a dramatic turn of events, Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia has fled to Spain​ after being granted asylum, citing political‌ and judicial persecution⁣ in his‍ home country [[1]] [[2]] [[3]]. ​González,⁣ the standard-bearer of the largest opposition‍ coalition in Venezuela, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), had been living in hiding since late August after being accused of electoral fraud and facing an arrest warrant.

González’s departure from Venezuela was‌ marked ‍by​ “episodes of pressure, coercion,‍ and⁣ threats”⁢ [[2]], according to ⁤a WhatsApp audio message released by ⁢the PUD. In ⁢the‍ message, González expressed gratitude for the expressions⁤ of solidarity after his departure and vowed to ‌continue the fight for freedom and democracy in Venezuela from abroad.

González’s‌ asylum application was granted by ⁤the Spanish government, ​which confirmed the opposition leader’s claims of ⁢political and judicial persecution in ‍Venezuela [[1]]. The PUD has stated that the asylum granted to‌ its leader “confirms the serious situation of ⁤state terrorism” ⁢in Venezuela, where those who defend the popular ⁢will​ are subjected to persecution.

The opposition

What led Edmundo González Urrutia to flee Venezuela and seek asylum in Spain?

Edmundo González Urrutia: Venezuela’s Opposition Leader Flees to Spain Amidst Pressure and Coercion

In a dramatic turn of events, Edmundo González Urrutia, the standard-bearer of the largest opposition coalition in Venezuela, has fled to Spain after requesting asylum and being granted safe conduct by the government of Nicolás Maduro. González Urrutia’s departure was marked by episodes of pressure, coercion, and threats, which he described in a WhatsApp audio message released to the media.

The Circumstances Leading to González Urrutia’s Departure

According to sources, González Urrutia’s decision to flee Venezuela was motivated by the increasingly hostile environment faced by opposition leaders in the country [1[1]. As an opposition leader, González Urrutia has been vocal in his criticism of the Maduro government, which has led to accusations of political persecution and threats against him.

In recent weeks, tensions between the Venezuelan government and the opposition have escalated, with reports of arrests, intimidation, and violence against opposition leaders and activists <a href="https://www.ilmessaggero.it/mondo/edmundogonzalezasilopoliticoperchecosaesuccesso-8341732.html”>[3[3]. Against this backdrop, González Urrutia’s decision to seek asylum in Spain was seen as a necessary step to ensure his safety and continue his fight for democracy in Venezuela.

The Position of María Corina Machado

María Corina Machado, another prominent opposition leader, has been vocal in her support for González Urrutia and has herself faced persecution and harassment by the Venezuelan authorities <a href="https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/EdmundoGonzález_Urrutia”>[2[2]. Machado has called for the release of a safe-conduct pass for six opposition leaders who have taken refuge in the Venezuelan embassy, highlighting the need for international pressure to protect human rights and democracy in Venezuela.

The Asylum Application

González Urrutia’s asylum application in Spain marks a significant development in the ongoing struggle for democracy and human rights in Venezuela. The Spanish government’s decision to grant González Urrutia asylum sends a strong message to the Maduro government that political persecution and human



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