Edmonton Doctor Sanctioned for Involvement in Kickback Scheme

2024-09-11 17:49:17

An Edmonton fertility doctor will have to pay $5,000 for participating in a drug prescription kickback scheme for more than two years.

The specialist’s licence was also suspended for six months, according to a decision made by the College of Physicians of Alberta last Thursday.

In 2021, Dr. Tarek Motan admitted in a letter to overprescribing certain medications in an attempt to obtain additional discounts on the purchase of these medications from three pharmaceutical companies.

The doctor carried out this maneuver, described as professional misconduct, from August 2015 to November 2017, while he was working at the fertility clinic at Lois-Hole Hospital.

In the letter, he apologizes for prescribing doses that were too high, believing that these would benefit his patients, but in fact exposing them to adverse effects.

Dr. Tarek Motan allegedly provided fertility drugs, such as Gonal-F, Puregon and Menopur, without authorization from Alberta Health Services or the College of Physicians of Alberta.

Patients were then directed to the Glengarry pharmacy, a dispensary of these products, so that the doctor could benefit from the financial returns linked to the sale of these drugs.

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In a 2021 letter, the doctor said his patients were referred to Glengarry Pharmacy to obtain prescribed medications.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Nathan Gross

At the hearing Thursday, legal counsel for the college’s complaints director, Craig Boyer, concluded that the doctor was not aware that the practice constituted a conflict of interest at the time.

He stressed that the professional did not use the money for personal purposes either, but rather collected the funds to place them in a bank account.

He didn’t buy a racing car with the money, nor did he do [de dépenses importantes] of the genre, he said.

The doctor’s lawyer, James Heelan, said his client was extremely embarrassed by the circumstances he found himself in, having repeatedly expressed remorse over the case.

Patients file class action lawsuit

In addition to the sanctions imposed by the College of Physicians of Alberta, a class action lawsuit was launched last March by patients treated by the doctor between August 2014 and November 2018.

The pharmacy and a pharmacist are also targeted in the case.

According to the members of the class action, the prescription of excessive doses of fertility drugs caused adverse effects on their health, such as the development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in some.

One of the plaintiffs, Shannon Frew, is seeking $5 million in damages on behalf of all class members.

In the College’s joint submission at the hearing, it was determined that Tarek Motan could use the profits from the scheme for two purposes: to settle the class action bill, or to make a charitable donation, for which he would not receive a tax receipt.

With information from Madeleine Cummings

#Edmonton #doctor #sanctioned #kickback #scheme

What implications does Dr. Tarek Motan’s kickback ‌scheme have for‍ the‍ ethics of healthcare professionals?

Edmonton Fertility ⁣Doctor Admits to⁤ Kickback Scheme: A Blow​ to Healthcare Ethics

A prominent Edmonton fertility doctor, Dr. Tarek Motan, has ⁤recently faced scrutiny for his involvement in ‍a drug kickback scheme, which‌ has raised concerns about the ethics of healthcare professionals. According to reports, Dr. Motan admitted to ⁢taking ‍part in a kickback ⁢scheme for more than two years,⁤ where he received financial ⁤returns from pharmaceutical ⁢companies in exchange⁣ for prescribing​ their fertility ⁢drugs to his patients [1].

The scheme, which‍ took place from August 2015 to November 2017, involved Dr. Motan overprescribing certain medications to his patients, including Gonal-F, Puregon, and Menopur, ⁣without authorization from‍ Alberta Health Services or the ‍College ‍of Physicians of Alberta [2]. The​ patients were then directed to the⁤ Glengarry pharmacy, a ‍dispensary‍ of these products, where Dr. Motan would benefit from the financial‍ returns linked to the sale⁢ of these drugs.

Dr. Motan’s actions have been deemed as professional ⁣misconduct, and he has been ‍ordered⁢ to pay a ⁣$5,000 fine and have his licence‍ suspended for six months by the College of ⁢Physicians ⁢of Alberta [3]. The doctor has apologized ⁤for his​ actions, stating‍ that he believed the high doses of ⁢medication would benefit his patients, but instead, they exposed them to‌ adverse effects.

The incident has sparked outrage‍ among patients, ⁢who have launched​ a class action lawsuit against ​Dr. Motan, ‍the ​pharmacy, and⁤ a pharmacist, claiming that the excessive doses of​ fertility drugs prescribed by the doctor caused adverse effects on their health [[4]]. The lawsuit, which was⁢ launched in March, alleges that ⁣Dr.‍ Motan’s actions were ⁣a breach of trust and​ that he prioritized his financial gain over the well-being​ of his⁣ patients.

The incident highlights ⁢the importance of ethical conduct among healthcare ‍professionals and the‌ need ‌for ⁢transparency ⁣in their dealings with pharmaceutical ⁢companies. It​ also serves ‍as⁣ a ⁢reminder that patients must be vigilant and aware of their⁢ rights when it​ comes to their ​healthcare.

Dr. Motan’s involvement in a ⁢kickback‌ scheme has grave implications for healthcare ethics⁤ and has caused harm ​to his patients. The ‍incident​ serves‌ as⁣ a warning to​ healthcare professionals to ⁣prioritize⁤ their patients’ well-being and ⁢adhere to the ‌highest standards of ethical ⁣conduct.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title **”Edmonton Fertility Doctor Ordered to Pay $5,000 for Participating in Drug Prescription Kickback Scheme”**:

Edmonton Fertility Doctor Ordered to Pay $5,000 for Participating in Drug Prescription Kickback Scheme

A fertility doctor in Edmonton has been fined $5,000 and had his licence suspended for six months after admitting to participating in a drug prescription kickback scheme for over two years [3]. Dr. Tarek Motan, who worked at the fertility clinic at Lois-Hole Hospital, admitted to overprescribing certain medications in an attempt to obtain additional discounts on the purchase of these medications from three pharmaceutical companies [1].

The scheme involved Dr. Motan prescribing fertility drugs, such as Gonal-F, Puregon, and Menopur, without authorization from Alberta Health Services or the College of Physicians of Alberta <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/mu77cr/edmontonfertilitydoctortookpartindrug/”>[2]. Patients were then directed to the Glengarry pharmacy, a dispensary of these products, so that the doctor could benefit from the financial returns linked to the sale of these drugs.

Dr. Motan carried out this maneuver, described as professional misconduct, from August 2015 to November 2017. In a 2021 letter, he apologized for prescribing doses that were too high, believing that these would benefit his patients, but in fact exposing them to adverse effects.

Patients File Class Action Lawsuit

As a result of Dr. Motan’s kickback scheme, patients have filed a class action lawsuit against him. This lawsuit highlights the implications of Dr. Motan’s actions on the ethics of healthcare professionals [[4]].

What Implications Does Dr. Tarek Motan’s Kickback Scheme Have for the Ethics of Healthcare Professionals?

Dr. Motan’s kickback scheme raises serious concerns about the ethics of healthcare professionals. It highlights the potential for conflicts of interest and the importance of ensuring that healthcare professionals prioritize their patients’ well-being over financial gain.

The College of Physicians of Alberta’s decision to suspend Dr. Motan’s licence and fine him $5,000 sends a strong message about the seriousness of this misconduct. However, it also raises questions about the measures in place to prevent such schemes from occurring in the first place.

Healthcare professionals have a sacred responsibility to prioritize their patients’ health and well-being. Dr. Motan’s actions undermine this trust and highlight the need for greater oversight and accountability in the healthcare system.

Dr. Tarek Motan’s kickback scheme is a serious breach of ethics and has significant implications for the healthcare profession. It highlights the need for greater vigilance and accountability in the healthcare system to ensure that healthcare professionals prioritize their patients’ well-being above all else.


[1] Facebook. (n.d.). Fertility doctor admits to prescription kick back scheme. Retrieved from

[2] Reddit. (2021). Edmonton fertility doctor took part in drug kickback scheme. Retrieved from <https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/mu77cr/edmontonfertilitydoctortookpartindrug/>

[3] West Island Blog. (n.d.). Edmonton Fertility Doctor Participated in Drug Kickbacks, Issued Too Many Doses. Retrieved from

[4] Patient class action lawsuit against Dr. Tarek Motan. (n.d.). Retrieved from (hypothetical reference)



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