Editorial: Koumbri – Journal L’Economiste du Faso

2023-09-11 08:41:46

Cmacabre accounting in Koumbri. A complicated exercise, necessary or not. Everyone has their own answer. But honesty requires sticking to the facts. And the facts are the figures communicated by the General Staff and the progress of the FDS and VDP on the ground. What was the objective of the operation on Koumbri? Is it reached or not? From a military and strategic point of view, if it is established that the Commune of Koumbri has been liberated. The rest is pure emotion. Not that we should write off the fifty or so fighters who fell with weapons in their hands. We must rather salute their bravery and the ultimate sacrifice which made it possible to liberate this terrorist bastion which taunted our entire army just a stone’s throw from Ouahigouya, the regional capital. That said, the rise in power of our army on the ground should gradually make it possible to limit losses, especially human losses. However, we cannot avoid the shock of the figures in public opinion. This is where more than a press release is needed to explain and reassure regarding the issues at stake in the Battle of Koumbri instead of leaving this communication action. in the hands of activists whose credit gives little reassurance regarding the quality of their information.

Par Abdoulaye TAO

#Editorial #Koumbri #Journal #LEconomiste #Faso



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