2023-05-02 09:21:43
JThursday, April 20, 2023. The village of Karma has sadly entered the history of the dirty war which opposes the living forces of the country to the terrorist hordes. Until then, the village had not been the subject of any attack in a province from which most villages have cleared out. This tranquility was abruptly interrupted. Armed men stormed it. The provisional assessment, according to the Prosecutor of Faso in Ouahigouya, reports regarding sixty deaths. Pending the official and final report of the ongoing investigation, speculation is rife. But beyond this macabre accounting, it is necessary to clarify the circumstances of the tragedy. Who are the perpetrators of the assault on Karma? The testimonies agree on the fact that the attackers were wearing military uniforms from our National Army. This is not enough of a clue, because this stratagem has already been used to ambush our roads and hijack convoys. Only an independent investigation, as promised by the Prosecutor, might make it possible to disentangle the web, to know who operated that day and why. It certainly won’t erase the pain of the families, but the truth might soothe it. And if by extraordinary, the investigation reveals that it was a blunder, the General Staff will draw all the consequences for the future. It’s a matter of honor.
Abdoulaye PERSON
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