Edgar Guerra’s Representative Clears the Air on Millonarios’ Departure – Exclusive Interview

2024-02-02 12:00:53

Jhon Dewi, representative of Edgar Guerra, assured, in dialogue with Caracol Radio’s El Alargue, that the relationship between his player and Millonarios ended on the best terms. Dewi stated that the intention was always to renew with the club and that the speculation that has arisen in recent days was more due to the “morbidity” of social networks.

How is Edgar Guerra?

“Edgar is very calm, he is happy, he is fulfilling a dream, but he is also nostalgic, he is a player who grew up in the Millonarios quarry, he is grateful. He had an important step, we hope to do better in international football.”

“Nostalgic because he grew up there, it was an environment where he was, where he was happy, where he debuted, where they gave him the opportunity. A bad image of him has been sold by people who don’t know him, perhaps because of what he was going through, following the hat trick and following the final, but he is happy.”

Did he behave well with Millionaires?

“We behaved well, it was more morbid than social networks and misinformation. He did not play in the last games, but we have a very good relationship with Dr. Serpa, with Pitirry Salazar, who we were negotiating.”

“We have a very good relationship at Millonarios, Dr. Serpa has been very good with us, the sports director Pitirry Salazar. Before Guerra I have had players there who have contributed a lot to the club, Luis Carlos Ruiz, Óscar Vanegas, who is currently in the squad, and now Edgar Guerra, who is leaving the club on very good terms.”

Why so many comments?

“The moment the player was going through, it is not normal for all this to happen so quickly, the hat trick, then he appears in the finals. From the moment he scores the three goals, everything falls out of harmony. We entered into negotiations with Millionaires on the best terms, we were always negotiating. “I don’t understand at what moment the fans, some people, journalists, stood once morest us, as if we were doing something different.”

Why isn’t an agreement reached with Millonarios?

“This offer came just three days ago, we were in negotiation, but obviously, we have five months left on the contract and Millonarios has to cover itself as an institution, we understand it 100% and in the middle of the negotiation, there was misinformation that triggered many things anomalous.”

Wasn’t it easier to renew?

“There are market opportunities and this was an opportunity that came up in the middle of the negotiation. It had never been said that Edgar was not going to renew, I don’t know where that came from, because he was not going through our minds, our priority was Millionaires. The player started very well, Copa Libertadores was coming, this offer appeared three days ago and it was a quite important offer for both Millonarios and us and the club gave us the possibility of leaving in the best way.”

See also

Did Millionaires always want to renew?

“Edgar has been through many moments at the club. It is said that I am new to his life, but we have already been working for two and a half years. It was always Millonarios’ intention since last year to want to renew, but we were in terms of conditions, trying to reach an agreement and that was on both sides. If we had not come to Mexico, we would have stayed in ordinary Millonarios, without any type of problem, because the relationship we have with Millonarios is great.”

How long did you sign with León?

“He signed for three years, with the option of a fourth.”

Did Millonarios have a percentage left?

“No, the club had a percentage left, it was a good negotiation for everyone, I think we reached a happy conclusion, that’s why we are leaving the club very well.”

When did the international possibility for War occur?

“Everything has been speculation, there was never a formal offer and interest from a formal team for us. There were always approaches from representatives from many parts of the world, trying to say, we can offer the player, he is a very young player, but there was never anything formal and approach from an international team.”

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