Edesio Alejandro pide apoyo para costear un tratamiento contra el cáncer que lo mantiene hospitalizado en Madrid

Cuban musician Edesio Alejandro has requested financial support to cover an alternative treatment for his advanced stage cancer, which has left him hospitalized in a clinic in northern Madrid.

The appeal was published by Cuban actor and singer Miguel Elkubanisimo on the GoFundMe platform, where Edesio Alejandro shared a message about the difficult battle he is fighting.

“Today I write to you with a heart full of hope and faith to ask for your support in a deeply human and urgent cause. We are raising funds to help our dear friend Edesio Alejandro, a true icon of Cuban culture; a talented singer, composer, and music and film producer who has touched many lives with his art and generosity,” wrote the campaign promoter.

Edesio Alejandro explained that the alternative treatment is expensive and lengthy: 36,000 euros, lasting between one and two years.

“We are not going to wait to have the full budget before starting. Every little contribution counts and will allow us to acquire the necessary medications and products so that Edesio can begin his treatment as soon as possible. We know that with your donations, support, and prayers, we can make a significant difference in our beloved Edesio’s life. We trust that with God’s blessing and your solidarity, we will soon see him back doing what he loves,” added Miguel ElKubanísimo.

In the campaign itself, Edesio Alejandro confirmed that he is currently hospitalized in a sanatorium in Madrid and that although cancer has not defeated him, he is “in a very close fight and things are not going well.” He specified that he remains in the sanatorium “because the illness is causing a lot of pain.”

A close source to Edesio Alejandro told DIARIO DE CUBA that the musician is currently unable to walk. They added that prostate cancer has metastasized and affected his spine.

“I hope that our Lord, the master of life and death, can guide a correct solution. I have all my trust and strength in that, although I must confess that I am very scared. Despite not losing faith, fear is a difficult companion, and we must fight against it to face this moment in the best way possible,” said the singer, an official member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood, in the Music Department.

“Once again, I turn to you. This time, I need a little more from each of you, and I do so with humility and sorrow in my soul. We have found an alternative medicine with products from 4Life Research that we have read has very good results. Unfortunately, we cannot afford this treatment as it is expensive and has a long duration, approximately one to two years,” he added.

The singer explained that his friend and artist Miguel ElKubanísimo, his family, and Dr. Dayami Tantanini have secured the first month of treatment and thanked the participants in the campaign in advance for what they can offer for his recovery.

Edesio Alejandro, 66, has composed music for film and television. His wife, Idolka de Erbiti Sánchez, stated in a message for the campaign that despite the seriousness of the situation, they have made “progress with the radiation treatment” and “in September, chemotherapy starts, one session every two weeks.”

She said that the required amount for the alternative treatment can only be reached “with the solidarity and support of friends, family, and all those who have been touched by his music and spirit.”

In a March interview with DIARIO DE CUBA, when the severity of his illness had not yet significantly deteriorated his physical and health condition, Edesio Alejandro explained that he left the Island because his medical treatment had been interrupted due to the scarcity of necessary supplies.

“I came because I have been living with prostate cancer for four years. Recently, the medicine, the vaccine that controls that cancer has run out in Cuba. And since I am a Spanish citizen, I came here to receive treatment. But it seems that because of the time I spent without receiving the vaccine, the cancer became resistant, and they changed my treatment to one that does not exist and has never existed in Cuba. So I have to stay here; I have no choice: if I want to live, I have to be here.”

Upon arriving in Spain, it was found that Edesio’s cancer could no longer be fought with the vaccines. He then had access to other treatments that have never existed in Cuba: “We arrived, I underwent several tests at the hospital, and my PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen Test) was skyrocketing. After I received the vaccine, the PSA continued to rise, and the doctors changed the treatment. I had gone four or five months without being able to receive the vaccine because it was unavailable in Cuba. It was truly surprising, traumatic, and difficult. When you make a decision that life compels you to make, it is incredibly complicated.”

In September 2020, Edesio used social media to request a medication that his mother-in-law, a Parkinson’s patient, needed. “The shortage of medications in Cuba has affected us just like all Cubans,” he recalls. “I am a recognized artist, but that doesn’t give me any advantage. We go through the same situations that all Cubans face. I needed to request that medicine for my mother-in-law because it ran out. It has been a day-to-day problem with a shortage of medications until the situation has become chaotic indeed. Medications that were manufactured in Cuba are no longer being produced.”

Contrary to what one might believe, not even a personality with his career in Cuban culture can escape the serious crisis the Island suffers. “I was really treated by the best doctors,” Edesio acknowledged. “The problem goes beyond the doctor. Sometimes, there are not even the reagents to perform analyses. It is a complex issue. We’ve looked for supplies even at the CIMEQ hospital (one of the best in Cuba), where we have connections through the Ministry of Culture, and they haven’t had what we needed either. The issue of medicine in Cuba is a severe and widespread problem. Imagine that the company exporting my medication to Cuba had connections with my doctor. We directly knocked on their door, and there was nothing.”

Apoyo Económico para Edesio Alejandro: Un Icono de la Música Cubana Lucha contra el Cáncer

El músico cubano Edesio Alejandro se encuentra actualmente en una dura batalla contra el cáncer en estado muy avanzado, situación que ha llevado a amigos y seguidores a buscar apoyo económico para costear un tratamiento alternativo. Este cantante y compositor, conocido por su impacto en la cultura musical cubana, está hospitalizado en una clínica del norte de Madrid mientras su estado de salud continúa deteriorándose. La solicitud de ayuda ha sido formulada por el actor y cantante cubano Miguel Elkubanisimo en la plataforma GoFundMe.

La Larga Batalla de Edesio Alejandro

Edesio Alejandro ha compartido con sus seguidores la difícil situación que enfrenta en este momento. En su mensaje, expresó: “Hoy les escribo con el corazón lleno de esperanza y fe para pedirles su apoyo en una causa profundamente humana y urgente”. Edesio, un verdadero ícono de la cultura cubana, ha dedicado su vida a la música, tocando muchas vidas a través de su arte y generosidad.

Costo del Tratamiento Alternativo

El tratamiento alternativo que Edesio necesita es costoso y prolongado. Según el músico, el coste total asciende a 36.000 euros, con una duración que puede variar entre uno y dos años. “No vamos a esperar a tener el presupuesto completo para comenzar”, añadió Edesio. Cada pequeña contribución es vital, ya que permitirá adquirir los medicamentos necesarios para iniciar el tratamiento sin demora.

  • Importancia de las Donaciones: Las donaciones no solo financian los medicamentos, sino que también ofrecen esperanza a Edesio y a su familia.
  • Apoyo y Oraciones: Edesio confía en que, con la bendición de Dios y la solidaridad de todos, pronto podrá regresar a hacer lo que ama.

Estado de Salud Actual

A pesar de su lucha, Edesio revela que se encuentra actualmente ingresado en un sanatorio, donde el dolor causado por la enfermedad es significativo. Una fuente cercana al artista indicó que en este momento, Edesio no puede caminar, ya que el cáncer de próstata ha hecho metástasis en su columna vertebral.

Reflexiones de Edesio Alejandro

En su emotivo mensaje, Edesio comentó: “Espero que nuestro Señor, dueño de la vida y de la muerte, pueda guiar una solución correcta”. A lo largo de su tratamiento, ha buscado mantener la fe, aunque admite que el miedo es un sentimiento complejo y difícil de afrontar.

Tratamientos y Recuperación

Edesio ha revelado que su amigo Miguel ElKubanísimo, su familia y la doctora Dayami Tantanini lograron asegurar el primer mes del tratamiento. Sin embargo, la cantidad total necesaria para continuar el tratamiento alternativo solo podrá alcanzarse con la solidaridad de aquellos que han sido tocados por su música.

Progreso en el Tratamiento

Tratamiento Estado Actual Duración
Radiaciones Avances Significativos Iniciando en Septiembre
Quimioterapia Una sesión cada dos semanas A partir de Septiembre
Tratamiento Alternativo con 4Life Research Necesaria finanación 1 a 2 años

El Contexto del Tratamiento en Cuba

La situación de Edesio Alejandro resalta un problema grave en la salud pública cubana. En una entrevista anterior, Edesio explicó que salió de la Isla tras ver interrumpido su tratamiento debido a la escasez de medicamentos. “Vine porque llevo cuatro años conviviendo con el cáncer de próstata. En estos últimos tiempos se acabó en Cuba la medicina necesaria para controlar este cáncer”, dijo.

Desafíos en el Acceso a Medicamentos

A pesar de ser un artista reconocido, Edesio ha enfrentado los mismos desafíos que muchos cubanos. “La escasez de fármacos en Cuba nos afectó como a todos los cubanos”, comentó. La situación presenta un desafío no solo personal sino también estructural dentro del sistema de salud de la Isla.

Cómo Puedes Ayudar

Si deseas contribuir a la recuperación de Edesio Alejandro, puedes hacer una donación a través de su campaña en GoFundMe. Cualquier aportación, sin importar cuán pequeña sea, puede hacer una diferencia significativa en su vida y en la de su familia.

  • Realiza tu donación: Cada euro cuenta para alcanzar el objetivo de 36.000 euros.
  • Distribuye el mensaje: Comparte la campaña en tus redes sociales para llegar a más personas.

Testimonios y Mensajes de Apoyo

Las redes sociales han sido un canal importante para que amigos, familiares y fanáticos envíen sus mensajes de aliento a Edesio. Estos gestos de solidaridad son fundamentales no solo para el artista, sino también para crear conciencia sobre la difícil situación que enfrentan muchos cubanos en su lucha contra el cáncer.



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