Ecuador’s Venezuelan Community Calls for a Revamped Regularization Program

The Venezuela in Ecuador Association, one of the most important migrant groups in the country, asked Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa to carry out a new regularization process for Venezuelans who have not been able to access this plan in the last two years.

The Association, in a letter addressed to the Ecuadorian president, warned of the risk that many Venezuelans who have accessed regularization may lose that right, due to the fact that in September the validity of the Temporary Residence Visa by Exception (Virte), which allowed thousands of foreigners to regularize their status between 2022 and 2023, will begin to expire.

This document was created in 2022 and was extended to immigrants of any nationality who were in an irregular situation in Ecuadorian territory, in order to legalize their documents.

This is accompanied by a regularization plan that has been supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The results of this plan indicate that 248,400 people registered for an appointment in the Migratory Residence Registration program and 201,700 of them received a temporary residence certificate, the Association added.

In addition, the results of the plan indicate that 95,700 foreigners obtained the Virte and of them, 72,300 managed to obtain the Ecuadorian identity card.

However, the validity of the Virte visa begins to expire in September since a decree that, among other considerations, allowed the renewal of the document only once has not been repealed.

“We therefore state that we are being marginalized, much more than in the recent history of this voluntary displacement, due to inaction on your part,” as we have no legal alternative, the Association indicated in the letter to President Noboa.

This reality “keeps us not only as an invisible community” but also as a target of discrimination, accused of being the alleged cause of the country’s ills, such as insecurity and unemployment, added the group led by activist Daniel Regalado.

“We Venezuelans have the intention of being included in the development of this country and it is precisely the irregular migration that has prevented us from having access to fundamental rights such as identity, health, education, work, social security, free contracting, inclusion in the financial system,” he listed, among others.

The trauma, according to the Association, is worse for Venezuelan children who are in an irregular situation, especially those who are not in the country with one of their parents or are without either of them.

For all these reasons, the Venezuelan migrant collective asked Noboa in the letter to express his opinion regarding the renewal of the Temporary Residence Visa by Exception and the possibility of calling for a new regularization process.

Ecuador is currently the fifth country with the largest Venezuelan community in its territory, with 444,800 people registered, after Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Chile, according to the most recent report published by the Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V).

#Venezuelans #Ecuador #call #regularization #plan
2024-09-16 10:50:20

– What steps is the Venezuela in Ecuador Association urging ​President Daniel Noboa to take‍ regarding the ⁢regularization of Venezuelan migrants?‍

Venezuela in Ecuador Association Urges President to Implement​ New Regularization Process for Migrants

As the validity⁤ of the Temporary Residence Visa ​by Exception (Virte) begins to expire in September, the⁤ Venezuela in Ecuador Association, a prominent migrant group in the country, has requested⁢ Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa ⁤to initiate a⁣ new regularization‌ process for Venezuelans who have ⁤not been able to access ​this plan in the⁣ last‍ two​ years. The association warns⁢ that⁢ thousands​ of Venezuelans who have already regularized ⁤their status may lose‍ their rights if no action is taken.

The Background: Virte and the Regularization‌ Plan

In 2022, the Ecuadorian government introduced the Temporary Residence Visa ​by Exception (Virte) to allow immigrants of any nationality who were in an irregular situation in the country ⁤to legalize⁣ their documents. This regularization plan was supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)⁤ and the International Organization‌ for Migration ‌(IOM).

The results of the plan have been significant, ⁤with‌ 248,400 people⁤ registering for an appointment in the Migratory ⁣Residence Registration program and 201,700 receiving a⁢ temporary ‍residence certificate. Furthermore, 95,700 foreigners obtained the Virte, with 72,300 of them going on to obtain​ the ⁢Ecuadorian identity⁢ card.

The Expiration of Virte and its Consequences

However, the validity of the Virte ⁤visa is set ⁤to expire in September, as a decree ⁤that allowed the renewal of the document only once has not ‌been repealed. This means that thousands of Venezuelans who have already regularized their status⁤ may⁢ lose their rights, leaving them​ vulnerable to exploitation and discrimination.

The Plea‌ to President‌ Noboa

In a‍ letter addressed to President Noboa, the ⁤Venezuela in ‍Ecuador Association expressed its concern and frustration⁤ at the lack of action on the part of the government. The association⁣ argued that the inaction has‍ led to the marginalization of the Venezuelan community in Ecuador, ​which has no legal alternative and is being blamed for the ⁣country’s⁤ problems, such as insecurity and ⁣unemployment.

“We ⁢Venezuelans ‌have the intention of being⁣ included in the development of this country, and it is precisely the irregular migration that has prevented us⁢ from having access ⁢to fundamental rights such as identity,⁤ health, education, work, social security, free contracting, inclusion ⁣in ​the financial system,” stated ‌the association’s leader, Daniel Regalado.

The Plight of Venezuelan Children

The association also highlighted the particularly difficult situation faced by Venezuelan children ⁤who are ⁤in an ‌irregular ​situation, especially those who are not in the country with‌ one of their parents or ⁢are ⁢without either⁤ of them. This vulnerable group is exposed to further exploitation and abuse, making it ⁤essential for the⁢ government to take immediate action to resolve their⁢ situation.

The Need for a New Regularization Process

The Venezuela in Ecuador Association ​is ⁢urging President Noboa to⁢ implement a new regularization process‍ to⁤ provide ‍a ​legal pathway for Venezuelans⁣ who have not been able to ​access the previous plan. This would not only benefit the‌ Venezuelan community ​but also contribute to⁣ the development ​of Ecuador as​ a whole.

By providing a legal framework for‌ migrants, the government can ensure that they are able to access ⁢fundamental‍ rights, integrate into society,⁤ and contribute to the economy. It is ​essential for​ the Ecuadorian government to take​ a proactive approach ⁣to address the situation of Venezuelan migrants and ‍provide a solution that is both humane and sustainable.


The expiration of⁢ the Virte visa and the lack of ‌action on ‍the part of the Ecuadorian government have left thousands of Venezuelans in a ⁣precarious situation. The ‍Venezuela in Ecuador​ Association’s plea to President Noboa is a timely reminder of ‌the need for a new regularization process to provide a legal pathway for migrants.‌ It is essential for the government to take immediate action to address⁤ this ​crisis and‍ ensure that Venezuelan migrants are able to access their fundamental‍ rights and contribute to ⁣the ‌development of Ecuador.


Venezuela in ‍Ecuador Association

⁢ President Daniel⁢ Noboa

Temporary‍ Residence Visa by Exception (Virte)

Regularization plan






Human rights

⁤Social integration

​ Economic development

What steps is the Venezuela in Ecuador Association urging President Noboa to take for the regularization of Venezuelan migrants?

Venezuela in Ecuador Association Urges President to Implement New Regularization Process for Migrants

As the validity of the Temporary Residence Visa by Exception (Virte) begins to expire in September, the Venezuela in Ecuador Association, a prominent migrant group in the country, has reached out to Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa to urge him to implement a new regularization process for Venezuelan migrants who have not been able to access the previous plan in the last two years.

Risks of Losing Right to Regularization

The Association warns that many Venezuelans who have accessed regularization may lose this right due to the impending expiration of the Virte visa, which was created in 2022 to legalize the documents of thousands of foreigners in an irregular situation in Ecuadorian territory. The validity period of the Virte visa is set to expire in September, and a decree that allowed for the renewal of the document only once has not been repealed.

Importance of Regularization

The regularization plan, supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), has achieved significant results, with 248,400 people registering for an appointment in the Migratory Residence Registration program, and 201,700 receiving a temporary residence certificate. Furthermore, 95,700 foreigners obtained the Virte, and 72,300 managed to obtain the Ecuadorian identity card.

Impact on Venezuelan Migrants

The Venezuela in Ecuador Association emphasizes that the lack of regularization has resulted in Venezuelans being marginalized and discriminated against, with many being accused of being the alleged cause of the country’s ills, such as insecurity and unemployment. The Association’s leader, Daniel Regalado, highlights that Venezuelan migrants have the intention of being included in the development of the country, but irregular migration has prevented them from accessing fundamental rights like identity, health, education, work, social security, and free contracting.

Trauma for Venezuelan Children

The situation is particularly dire for Venezuelan children who are in an irregular situation, especially those who are not in the country with one of their parents or are without either of them. The Association underlines the need for urgent action to address the trauma and vulnerability of these children.

Request for New Regularization Process

In light of these concerns, the Venezuela in Ecuador Association has asked President Noboa to express his opinion regarding the renewal of the Temporary Residence Visa by Exception and the possibility of calling for a new regularization process. This would enable Venezuelans who have not been able to access the previous plan to regularize their status and access fundamental rights.

Ecuador’s Venezuelan Community

Ecuador is currently the fifth country with the largest Venezuelan community in its territory, with 444,800 people registered, after Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Chile, according to the most recent report published by the Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V).

The Venezuela in Ecuador Association’s appeal to President Noboa underscores the urgent need for a new regularization process to address the challenges faced by Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador. By implementing a new plan, the Ecuadorian government can ensure that Venezuelans in the country can access their fundamental rights and contribute to the country’s development.



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