Ecuador renews state of emergency in six provinces due to wave of violence Últimas Noticias

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa today renewed for 30 days the “state of emergency” due to “serious internal unrest” in force since July 2 in six provinces and one canton (municipality) of the country, affected by criminal violence attributed to organized crime groups.

By decree, Noboa ordered the renewal of the measure in the provinces of Los Ríos (west), Guayas (southwest), Santa Elena (southwest), Manabí (northwest) and El Oro (southwest), as well as in the Amazonian province of Orellana and the canton (municipality) Camilo Ponce Enríquez, in the province of Azuay (south).

“The decision will strengthen the strategies and measures implemented by the National Police and the Armed Forces to safeguard citizen and comprehensive security, as well as public order and internal protection,” the Presidency said in a statement.

On the other hand, the president determined that the curfew from 22:00 p.m. to 05:00 a.m. local time that he decreed on August 8 in 19 cantons (municipalities) and one parish, hit by the rise in crime and insecurity, will be maintained.

The Presidency indicated that “based on a rigorous technical analysis, the declaration of a state of emergency has been geographically focused in order to more efficiently address the security needs in these territories.”

The presidential decree states that violent acts and other modus operandi of organized armed groups “persist” in these territories, making it necessary to maintain the same exceptional regime.

Since January 9, Ecuador has been in the midst of an “internal armed conflict” declared by President Noboa against 22 organized crime gangs classified as “terrorists,” following an escalation of violence.

Under this measure, the military was deployed to the streets and conflict zones to neutralize the activities of these criminal groups linked to drug trafficking.

Noboa has declared several states of emergency during his term, which began on November 23, in an attempt to stem the wave of insecurity that has hit the nation with murders, kidnappings and extortion, among other crimes.

Ecuador closed 2023 as one of the most dangerous countries in Latin America, with a homicide rate of 45 per 100.000 inhabitants, according to the police.

According to the government, violent deaths have been reduced by 17 percent so far in 2024 thanks to security forces operations.

#Ecuador #renews #state #emergency #provinces #due #wave #violence #Últimas #Noticias
2024-09-02 08:30:09



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