ECOS Transversal Primary Health Care Strategy: Promoting Self-Care and Prevention for 23 Million People Nationwide

ECOS Transversal Primary Health Care Strategy: Promoting Self-Care and Prevention for 23 Million People Nationwide

2024-04-08 16:25:49

Five years following its creation, the ECOS Transversal Primary Health Care Strategy for Well-being of the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (Issste) is consolidated as a unique personalized scheme to promote self-care and prevention among the entire population. population, by forming 552 community teams to benefit more than 23 million people throughout the country.

On World Health Day, which is commemorated on April 7, the Medical Directorate, promoter of this program, explained that it was designed to implement the Primary Health Care (PHC) model, as part of the institute’s services to guarantee accessibility, availability and quality in care for the population, whether entitled or not; focused on the individual, family and community.

From 2019 to date, more than seven thousand 500 ECOS sessions have been held throughout the national territory and more than 87 thousand professionals of different profiles and institutions have been trained in PHC, through the 10 editions of the national meetings “The ECOS of public health.”

The Issste Medical Directorate explained that this scheme works on three preventive levels: primary, referring to health promotion and education and specific protection; detection, timely diagnosis and limitation of damage; and third, focused on physical, mental, social and ecological rehabilitation.

As part of its principles, he said, this strategy proposes that the staff be closely related to the community in situ (on site), that is, that the population is capable of providing continuity to their own care, based on the formation of groups. multidisciplinary groups made up of doctors, community leaders, non-profit civil associations, artists, environmentalists and volunteers, with preferential interest in vulnerable groups.

He pointed out that, with 21 programmatic lines, among which are diseases preventable by vaccination, surveillance and epidemiological control, pregnant women’s health, breastfeeding, timely detection, oral, sexual and reproductive health, the aim is to have a positive impact on the modification of the determinants social well-being of people.

With agreements, health days and permanent intersectoral activities, ECOS continues to train personnel, optimize resources and generate healthy environments and lifestyles for the benefit of society, he highlighted.

For this reason, this direction indicated that, this year, World Health Day focuses its interest on defending the right of everyone to access medical, educational and informational services, work that the institute continues with ECOS for Well-being.

#ECOS #Wellbeing



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