Ecopetrol contracted goods and services for nearly $23 billion in 2023

In 2023, Ecopetrol contracted goods and services with 3,479 suppliers, for nearly $23 billion, for the maintenance and development of the activities it carries out in the regions where it operates.

Of the total amount, 95%, which is equivalent to $21.7 billion, corresponds to contracts with 3,211 national suppliers and 5% to operations with 268 specialized foreign suppliers. The contracting of goods and services for $5 billion stands out, with 1,417 local companies, that is, from the municipalities where Ecopetrol carries out operations, which represented an increase of 10% compared to the previous year.

Among the contracts signed with local suppliers are: equipment maintenance
and repair services. Photo: Courtesy

Distribution of Ecopetrol contracts

By region, the $5 billion contracted locally was distributed as follows:

$1 trillion 282 billion (25%) with businessmen from Meta; $1 trillion 235 billion (25%) with suppliers from the Central region, mainly from Magdalena Medio; and $839 billion (17%) with companies that support Ecopetrol’s operations in Huila, Putumayo and the Rubiales and Caño Sur fields, in the municipality of Puerto Gaitán, Meta.

Goods and services were contracted for $870 billion (17%) with suppliers in Bogotá, $463 billion (9%) with entrepreneurs in Casanare, and $370 billion (7%) with firms in the Caribbean region.

Among the contracts signed with local suppliers are: equipment maintenance and repair services, integrated services, food, engineering, land cargo and personnel transportation, and management support services, among others.

1,417 local companies from the municipalities where Ecopetrol carries out operations, which represented an increase
10% compared to the previous year. Photo: Courtesy

In January and February 2024, local goods and services were contracted for $763 billion, of which $657 billion were subscribed directly by Ecopetrol and $106 billion by Ecopetrol allies.

“Together with our suppliers we are moving forward in consolidating a mutually beneficial relationship. Ecopetrol’s strategy in terms of contracting goods and services prioritizes local firms as a source that promotes economic reactivation in the regions and promotes entrepreneurship and business development,” said Jaime Pineda, vice president of Supply and Services at Ecopetrol.

The post Ecopetrol contracted goods and services for nearly $23 billion in 2023 appeared first on Minuto30.

2024-04-05 06:15:45
#Ecopetrol #contracted #goods #services #billion



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