Economou for schools: Digital modernization must be framed by the building upgrade – 2024-07-27 05:47:56

Yannis Oikonomou, in his speech in the Parliament, in the debate on the Ministry of Education’s bill, emphasized that digital modernization must be framed by building upgrades and the improvement of teaching life, while at the same time he argued that the issue with the non- filling positions in military schools.

“I want to start my speech, on the occasion of yesterday’s announcement of the bases, with congratulations to the children who succeeded at the Public University and the Public I.E.K.. The Public University, which since 1837 has been a leading player in development and advancement of so many Greek men and women.

“On the occasion of this announcement, a problem of non-filling of positions in military schools arose again this year. It is the third year in a row that this has been observed. Given that the military schools are not purely academic in nature, given the particularities and the risk of missing officers from the Greek Armed Forces in the future, in difficult and strange times, I believe that our Government should revisit the issue and with individual arrangements come and correct this weakness.

“The government of the New Republic has designed and is implementing a range of reforms across the spectrum and levels of education. And this is important, because our main task must be to upgrade, in qualitative and quantitative indicators, first of all, the public school and university, which is the well-founded hope of advancement for the greater part of Greek society.

Public education must be at the heart of all our policies, because it serves social mobility and gives substance to hope for a better life. And the funding bill of the Ministry of Education, which we are discussing today, moves in this direction, promoting digital modernization.

An undeniably positive initiative, since digital tools and artificial intelligence occupy the global community in the area of ​​their educational applications. The question, or rather the dispute, therefore, is not the introduction of digital modernization. This is necessary and non-negotiable. But the way it is done, the introduction and application of technology in education, about which there is an extensive and intense debate of experts all over the planet. Science is much more than the accumulation of knowledge.

“It is an excellent way of utilizing them. The school needs to cultivate wisdom: questioning, criticism, reflection. ″Pythagoras did not bequeath us any of his writings, because he believed that he did not need to leave behind him inanimate writings…, but living writings, i.e. students. This information is handed down by the philosopher Olympiodorus and is a timeless impression of the essence, the core, of education. Teaching is much more than imparting knowledge.

It consists of a universal effect, which presupposes a teacher with rich knowledge, humanistic culture, political consciousness, undivided interest in the student, scientific and wider ethos. Above all, however, it presupposes the absolute generosity of the teacher. It must deliver better scientists and better people in order to contribute to the development of society and culture. And this cannot be done without quality teaching in the classroom, without the deepening and enrichment of teaching through life.

The draft law we are discussing introduces many regulations for the digital modernization of the school and this is positive. However, we must not overlook the need to modernize school units. The condition of school buildings, especially in the countryside, is often tragic.

With obvious problems for several decades that complicate, if not hinder, the educational process and reduce the momentum of the very important educational reforms that the ND government has voted for and implemented in recent years. Without adequate basic infrastructure, any attempt to upgrade education is undermined. Therefore, good systematic maintenance, expansion and renewal of school infrastructure throughout the country is required.

»Also, although the digital modernization of education is fascinating, we must not be seduced by the prospect of an education delivered at the service of software. We need to immediately and drastically strengthen the teachers and strengthen the lifelong learning.

The role of the teacher – especially in border, remote and degraded areas – escapes from the narrow educational aspect and acquires a wider symbolic role. It is the living presence of the state, the tangible proof that the State is interested in every Greek, wherever he lives. The teacher has a wider role. He is an educator and gives life lessons by his example and not only by his lesson.

Plato said that the greatest lesson is not given in words, and he is right. This is why the intervention of the ministry and the government for the recruitment of 10,000 new executives in education is of particular value.

»Finally, I would also like to refer to the strengthening of tools for dealing with intra-school violence. Not so much or better not only for the content of the regulation, but for the symbolism it expresses, showing that the ministry has its attention firmly focused on this scourge. The violence of minors and especially that which manifests or even hatches in the classrooms is a huge issue.

It reflects multiple family, educational and social failures. It takes a lot of continuous effort. Everyday life and conditions in many school units are often unimaginably difficult from a “class” point of view. And I’m afraid that the incidents that come to light are not isolated, nor the exception, maybe they are the most extreme, but this is also being discussed.

»Many absences, indiscipline, lack of disciplinary control in many cases cause disruptive situations in the school units and in the conduct of the lesson. And we have to see how we can fix them, and quickly. As we must in my opinion see something more, more strategic I would say.

For decades in education we have emphasized the acquisition of knowledge and skills in order to enable children to cope with examination procedures and we have neglected the cultivation of morals and education. Democritus argued that people are not blessed with bodies and material goods, but with education and a lot of knowledge.

In our country we must keep as an apple of our eye the acquis that poverty and backwardness cannot be obstacles to education, and education is one of the main ways to escape from poverty.”

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