economic growth at 7.9% in 2021 according to the HCP

Che rebound is the result of a sharp increase of 17.8% in agricultural activity, following an exceptional agricultural campaign, and 6.6% in non-agricultural activities, explains the HCP which has just published a note of information relating to the provisional national accounts for the year 2021.

Driven by domestic demand, this growth was achieved in the context of high inflation and an aggravation of the financing needs of the national economy, indicates the same source.

In detail, the primary sector recorded strong growth of 17.6%, following the increase in agricultural activity to +17.8% and that of fishing to +12.7%. The added value of the secondary sector, for its part, increased by 6.8% due to the improvement in the added values ​​of building and public works at +10.7%, of “Electricity, gas, water , sanitation and waste” at +6.5% and manufacturing industries at +6.1%.

The added value of the tertiary sector, for its part, increased by 6.4% after a drop of 7.9% in 2020. It was marked by the increase in accommodation and catering activities of +31, 6%, transport and warehousing by +15.2%, research and development and business services by +10%, vehicle trade and repair by +7.9%, financial services and insurance by +4, 6%, real estate services by +3% and education, health and social action services by +3%.

At current prices, the national gross domestic product (GDP) experienced a strong increase of 11.4% in 2021 instead of a drop of 7.1% a year earlier, thus generating a strong increase in the general level of prices passing from 0.1% in 2020 to 3.2% in 2021.

(with map)

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