Economic autonomy, parity in the public sector and other proposals by Hernández for women

The presidential candidate of the League of Anti-Corruption Governors, Rodolfo Hernandez, announced his proposals on gender that he would make effective in an eventual Government of his. He expressed that women will be given greater opportunities.

In the first place, he assured that he would implement the laws that currently exist regarding equal conditions for both women and men, everyone will receive the same remuneration and will have equal opportunities.

“One of the first steps for equality is the economic autonomy of women. I will create loans with low interest rates for women entrepreneurs, and a gender parity pension insurance, which helps to compensate for the inequality of access to opportunities between genders,” Hernández said on his Twitter account.

The candidate also says that he would provide education, employment and training opportunities for women, mainly young women and mothers who are heads of households. He would also implement a comprehensive system that recognizes unpaid work and allows women to reduce their burdens.

In a possible government of his, Hernández affirmed that the 50% of public positions would be occupied by women.

“In my Government, women will occupy 50% of public positions, with salary equality and priority to the young populationmothers who are heads of households, and people with disabilities, as I did in Bucaramanga,” said Hernández.

Hernandez would implement a sexual and reproductive education program which will be accessible to all Colombians and that would provide medical resources.

“Gender violence: programs aimed at prevention (reduction of risk factors and education for cultural change), intervention (comprehensive care for victims and guarantees of access to the justice system) and criminalization of gender violence will be generated” Hernández expressed in his social network.

Finally, the candidate assured that he would create public policies that allow close gender gaps and create flexibility.

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