Economic Association: FPÖ idea of ​​exiting the eurozone is an economic disaster

Economic Association: FPÖ idea of ​​exiting the eurozone is an economic disaster

2024-08-30 10:38:33

Vienna(OTS) –

“Exiting the euro would be a disaster for the Austrian economy. We will lose thousands of jobs in one fell swoop,” World Bank Secretary-General Kurt Egger warned as Herbert Kickel introduced the euro exit. jobs, a severe loss of competitiveness and prosperity, and a return to the Stone Age for Austria as an exporting country.

Every euro Austria earns is through exports. In addition, more than 1.2 million jobs are directly or indirectly dependent on exports. Without a common currency, Austria would suffer from exchange rate instability, leading to higher prices and lower demand for domestic products. Therefore, Austria’s economic stability and competitiveness are closely linked to its membership of the Eurozone.

“Kickel is being blind in his economic policy by fantasizing about leaving the euro, thereby jeopardizing the future of our country. If he needs coaching on business, he is welcome to call ahead of further reports of disqualification.

OTS original press release is the sole responsibility of the sender for its content – WWW.OTS.AT | North West World Bank

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