Economic Association: First step to relieve the burden on working pensioners

2023-11-07 18:30:07

Egger: Economic Association demand receives implementation step in the right direction

Vienna (OTS) “The measures presented are largely the right approaches at a time when the situation on the labor market is particularly precarious and local companies are desperately looking for employees. The labor shortage is slowing down the economy and costing us competitiveness with every vacancy. Working pensioners represent important potential for the domestic labor market and, with their many years of know-how, offer great added value for every company. However, the bureaucratic tightening of information requirements for job advertisements is incomprehensible, especially since we are not aware of any problems here,” said WB Secretary General and Deputy. e.g. NO. Mag. (FH) Kurt Egger.

Further measures necessary for long-term attractiveness

“The package presented today is a step in the right direction. However, we must not stop demanding further attractive options for longer working hours. Further relief measures are therefore needed for working pensioners in order to properly appreciate their commitment and sustainably increase their potential,” concludes Egger.

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Economic Association
Matthias Pfeiler, BA
Press spokesman
+43 1 505 47 96

#Economic #Association #step #relieve #burden #working #pensioners

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