Economic Association ad Voglauer: Apart from green ideology, there was no other reason not to intervene in energy prices

2024-01-05 11:42:32

Egger: You get the feeling that the Greens pop the champagne corks every time energy prices rise

Vienna (OTS) – “Instead of a factual explanation as to why intervention in energy prices was prevented by the Green Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler, the Secretary General of the Green Party throws buckets of dirt around and assumes that it is driven by ideology. The Greens in particular should be more cautious about accusations of ideology, as there are no major projects for sustainable energy to which Voglauer’s Green party colleagues at the state or local level were not opposed for environmental reasons. For example, the wind turbines in Ehrwald, Tyrol or the Mur power plant in Graz are blocked by the Greens. Voglauer and her party should rethink their energy policy. If the Greens continue to block renewable energies and reject interventions in the energy market, we will soon be left in the dark,” said WB General Secretary Abg.z.Nr. Kurt Egger.

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Economic Association
Matthias Pfeiler, BA
Press spokesman
+43 1 505 47 96

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