Ecological Crisis: Great Barrier Reef, TikTok Ban, Guinea Government Updates

2024-03-15 08:09:25

RFI journalists and experts also answer questions from listeners on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, on the possible ban on TikTok in the United States and on the government in Guinea.

Australia: an ecological disaster

In Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is once again the victim of accelerated bleaching. How do scientists explain this degradation of corals? What impact can this phenomenon have on nearby marine species?

Is there a solution to remedy this scourge?

With Raphaël Moran, journalist in RFI’s environment department.

United States: TikTok soon banned?

The House of Representatives has passed a law that threatens to ban TikTok in the United States. What do Americans criticize about this application? What room does TikTok have to block this law?

With Ophélie Coelho, independent researcher in digital geopolitics, author of “Digital Geopolitics: Imperialism in Giant Steps” (2023), published by l’Atelier.

Burundi: opponent Agathon Rwasa ousted from the presidency of his party

Opponent Agathon Rwasa was removed from the presidency of his party, the National Congress for Freedom, during a congress. Why do some party members accuse the authorities of interfering in the organization of this event? How can Agathon Rwasa continue his political activities?

With Esdras Ndikumana, journalist in RFI’s Africa service.

Guinea: a new government from the administration

The Guinean Prime Minister presented his new government, made up of many members of the administration. Why this choice of Bah Oury rather than tapping into the political class?

With Kabinet Fofana, director of the Guinean Association of Political Science

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