Ecolo Members Nominate Federal Candidates – Fight for the Climate and Against the Extreme Right

2023-12-16 13:10:00

This Saturday, December 16, the Ecolo members of the four regional regions of Huy-Waremme, Liège, Verviers and Ostbelgien nominated their strategic candidates for the federal list in the Chamber. Activists gathered at ULiège, at Sart-Tilman, for this important moment of internal democracy. In accordance with Ecolo’s statute, it is the members who have the last word to nominate the candidates.

In this little game, it is Sarah Schlitz who will once again lead the list. “By placing their trust in me, environmental activists encourage me to continue the fights that I have led, in government and in parliament, for equality, the protection of women and of course ecology,” rejoices. She. “The next legislature will be crucial to accelerate and amplify the transition, obtain feminist progress or strengthen our public services. I am proud to lead a strong and united list. I am delighted to contact the people of Liége, in the four corners of the Province, to listen to them and convince them of the relevance of the Ecolo project”.

Fight for the climate and against the extreme right

Second place was given to Samuel Cogolati. Municipal councilor in Huy since 2015 and doctor in international law, Samuel Cogolati was elected for the first time to the House of Representatives in May 2019. He became known in his fight for the recognition of the genocide of the Uighurs, which earned him to be sanctioned by China in 2021, and for the inclusion of the brand new crime of “ecocide” in the Penal Code. “We also want to serve as a bulwark against the dangerous rise of the Flemish nationalist extreme right. And more than ever, deploy solutions for the climate,” he explains.

Third on the list, Nezha Darraji (Verviers) works as a digital communications advisor in the office of the federal minister, Zakia Khattabi. “I was deeply marked by the tragedy of the floods of July 2021 in my region” explains the municipal councilor in Verviétoise. “Behind the climate crisis lie human lives, that is the whole basis of my commitment! Today we must build a world in which social justice and climate justice combine. It is today that we must get involved, as an act of resistance against the rise of the extreme right.

Finally, 4th place was awarded to Liégeois Vincent Hitabatuma.

For his part, Nicolas Parent, former federal deputy and current spokesperson for the Secretary of State for Gender Equality, Opportunities and Diversity, was appointed first alternate. He is followed by Caroline Saal from Liège.

#Sarah #Schlitz #Samuel #Cogolati #Nezha #Darraji #chosen #lead #federal #Ecolo #list #Province #Liège

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