ECHA puts ANSES’s proposal on the stricter classification of bisphenol A into public consultation | Handles

2013-09-19 16:01:00

As part of its expert work on endocrine disruptors, including bisphenol A, ANSES published two first reports in September 2011: one relating to the health effects of bisphenol A, the other to its uses. This work made it possible to highlight effects considered proven in animals and suspected in humans, even at low levels of exposure. In April 2013, several studies confirmed its results, in particular for pregnant women with regard to the potential risks for the unborn child.

In 2012, the French legislator banned bisphenol A in food containers from 2013 for those intended for children under 3 years old and in 2015 for the entire population. In the regulatory framework at European level, bisphenol A is currently subject to a harmonized classification as suspected reprotoxic. It is also currently classified as a respiratory irritant, which may cause serious eye damage and which may lead to sensitization through skin contact.

As early as 2012, ANSES – as the organization responsible for providing support to the French authorities for the implementation of European regulations relating to the labeling of chemical substances – filed with the European Chemicals Agency ( ECHA), a proposal to revise this classification, with a view to a more severe classification of bisphenol A as toxic for reproduction.

A classification in category 1 would have the direct consequences of the application of more severe regulatory measures, in particular the obligation to implement reinforced prevention measures for the professional uses of bisphenol A (first and foremost its substitution), or the ban on the marketing of mixtures containing bisphenol A to consumers.

This proposal is the subject of a public consultation on the ECHA website. For bisphenol A, it began on 08/27/2013 and will end on 10/11/2013. Comments can be sent via the dedicated form

> See the consultation on the ECHA website

Following this consultation stage, the ECHA Risk Assessment Committee will deliver, on the basis of all the data, a final opinion which will be transmitted to the European Commission no later than 18 months from the date of publication of the proposal. The decision to include the harmonized classification in the CLP regulation(1) will be issued by the European Commission on the basis of this opinion.

(1) CLP: Classification, Labeling, Packaging; Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/ 45/EC and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.

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