Ebizo 130 minutes “Negative chain” that does not stop even with confession … Maya Kobayashi’s re-criticism and Kikunosuke Onoe’s co-starring NG report | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

ProlongedMaya KobayashiAnd Ebizo’s feud.Ebizo is regarding Maya in “Weekly Bunshun” (April 28 issue)UproarI answered a 130-minute interview regarding it, but the “negative chain” hasn’t stopped.

In an interview with the magazine, he confessed that Ebizo apologized to Ebizo on LINE for the “Welcome back,” blog last October, which triggered Maya to start criticizing Ebizo.Then, in addition to her Maya, her husband’sGuoguang YinIt is also reported that he had a six-hour discussion with him at night.

“Mr. Ebizo has insisted that if Ebizo apologizes for the blog, he will forgive him. Mr. Ebizo said in this article that he” apologized “, but Mr. Ebizo seemed to be convinced. The anger did not subside. When the article was published, Ms. Maya updated her blog one following another and resumed criticism of Mr. Ebizo in earnest. “(Entertainment journalist)

Maya, who updated her blog on April 21, said, “I talked to Ebizo and his family that day when the frogs boiled over. It’s not a day of apology. (Omitted) We haven’t bowed directly to apologize for the welcome back blog. I’m sorry for the flow of the story, I was just told to reflect on it. I haven’t apologized. ”She said.

My husband, Mr. Kunimitsu, also wrote on his blog, “It’s over. I can’t say a word. ”《I’m sorry to say a word on my blog. I’m not sure. ”, Showing discomfort.

Ebizo’s confession did not seem to improve his relationship with the Kobayashi couple.

In addition, there are voices of opposition from people involved in the pear garden.

According to “Josei Jishin” released on April 26, they are in a rivalry relationship.Onoe KikunosukeIs furious at the repeated reports of Ebizo. It was reported that they would appear in different performances at the “Kikusai” starting in May, and would not take the form of co-starring on the same stage.

According to the article, Kikunosuke tells the people around him that he doesn’t want to be on the same stage as him.

“Mr. Ebizo probably wanted to extinguish the turmoil as soon as possible because of the name of Keijuro Ichikawa, who is said to be scheduled for the end of the year. However, the confession worsened his relationship with Mr. Kikunosuke. There was even a report of “Co-starring NG” with. As a result, there is a “negative chain” that regains attention in the wrong direction. “

Can you find the point of the turmoil?

( SmartFLASH



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