Eating after a certain time increases cancer risk by 25%

For various reasons, some often put the evening meal in the background. But be careful, because eating after 9 p.m. could have disastrous effects on your health.

While some tend to dine early, others live on Spanish time and prefer to have a bite to eat late in the evening. Between work, the gym, shopping and relaxing with friends, dinner often takes a back seat.

If everyone is free to do what they want, a study warns against this bad habit. According to its findings, published in the International Journal of Cancer, eating after 9 p.m. could have disastrous effects on health, especially if those affected do not leave a two-hour gap between eating and going to bed.

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An impact on the body’s internal clock

As experts from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health reminded us, metabolism starts to slow down in the evening, and eating causes it to speed up again. This would have an impact on the body’s internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which is believed to increase the risk of developing prostate and breast cancer.

To reach this conclusion, Spanish researchers examined the diets and lifestyles of 621 patients with prostate cancer, 1,205 people with breast cancer and 2,193 people who had no of cancer. They found that those who fell asleep two hours or more after eating dinner reduced their risk of cancer by 20%. Conversely, those who went to bed within two hours of eating increased their cancer risk by 25%.

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“If these results are confirmed, they will have profound implications for recommendations regarding the timing of the last main meal”, explained Professor Manolis Kogevinas, in charge of the study. And to add: “The impact could be particularly significant in cultures like those in southern Europe where people dine late.”

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