Eating 3 foods often has a 49% higher chance of depression! Dietitian exposes 4 major nutrients to stabilize mood and prevent brain degeneration|Health 2.0

A 6-year study of nearly 10,000 people in Spain found that people who often eat desserts, fried foods, and pizza are 49% more likely to get depression than the average person. Nutritionist Gao Minmin provides 4 major mood-stabilizing nutrients to help improve depression.

eat 3Food is easy to be depressed

Gao Minmin pointed out that eating desserts, fried foods, and processed foods will make you feel very healing, because it stimulates dopamine receptors in the brain; but in the long run, it will only continue to increase the chance of depression, plus caffeine, sugar, processing Food, will make people more nervous.

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4Great Mood Stabilizer

Gao Minmin said that depression not only affects the mood, but also affects the body. If you want to improve depression, you can start with diet and provide four major nutrients for stable mood:

Vitamin D

When vitamin D is deficient, anxiety, muscle weakness and osteoporosis will occur. It is recommended to supplement mushrooms and eggs. You can also go out for a walk and bask in the sun. You can supplement vitamin D on days without sunlight.

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Tryptophan produces the happy hormone serotonin and improves brain stress, and milk, cheese, and bananas are rich in tryptophan.

Vitamin Bgroup

B vitamins are the most important vitamins for maintaining the functioning of the nervous system. They can be supplemented through whole grains, meat, dark vegetables, and the easiest way is to take a balanced intake of a variety of prototype foods.

❹Omega-3fatty acid

Omega-3 fatty acids can slow down depression and delay brain degeneration, and deep-sea fish such as mackerel, saury, salmon, sardines, etc., or algae oil, flaxseed oil, are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

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Eating 3 foods often has a 49% higher chance of depression!Dietitian exposes 4 major nutrients to stabilize mood, prevent brain degeneration

▲Nutritionist Gao Minmin provides 4 nutrients for stable mood.

◎ This article is from /Gao Minmin nutritionist
◎ Image source/Provided by Gao Minmin Nutritionist Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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