“Easy Vaccination at Siriraj-Kanchana: Convenient and Fast Healthcare Services for Everyone”

2023-05-09 09:00:00

“Vacc. Thru park-inject-return” new service “Siriraj-Kanchana” that is accessible to everyone Open for service today

Associate Professor Dr. Teera Kolladaruangkrai Director of Golden Jubilee Medical Center Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University “Siriraj-Kanchana” said that since March 2023, “Siriraj-Kanchana” has increased efficiency. and expand the service model to be convenient and fast And more accessible, especially the new service ”Vacc. Thru park-inject-return” so you don’t have to waste time looking for a parking space. It is open for those who wish to receive vaccination once morest disease.

Participated in the observation and supervision of the trial service in the first period by the Public Health of Nakhon Pathom Province. By receiving satisfaction from people who come to use the service with confidence in providing services that meet the standards of hospitals and health services HA (Healthcare Accreditation) of the Ministry of Public Health

The available vaccines include influenza vaccine. and hepatitis B, 2nd and 3rd doses with expenses under the new policy “Cheap-Fast-Good”

In addition to the 3rd – 5th dose of the 3rd – 5th immunization vaccination once morest COVID-19 that is still free of charge. According to the Ministry of Public Health, the general public has been vaccinated once a year. Since April 2023 onwards following COVID-19 has been announced as An “endemic disease” is no longer a “severe communicable disease” in Thailand and is no longer a global public health emergency according to the recent World Health Organization (WHO) announcement.

by the person who will receive the service Must register online through the line “GJ Vaccine Center” and receive the service as scheduled. By submitting documents at the vaccination service point and paying (if there is an expense) before having a nurse deliver the vaccine to the car. with fast service It only takes no more than 15 minutes per case.

Moving on, Associate Professor Dr. Teera Kolladaruangkrai revealed that “Siriraj-Kanchana” will add a variety of special clinic services. so that people can access more screening services through “Family Medicine Clinic” before passing on to other specialized clinics so that those who receive the service do not have to wait In the event of an emergency illness, there will be an urgent channel to receive advice and make an appointment for further specialized treatment in a timely manner.

Mahidol University by Golden Jubilee Medical Center Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital “Siriraj-Kanjana” ready to act “Wisdom of the land” according to the aspirations is a dependence on the well-being of the Thai people at all times. Just show your ID card. able to receive the service through the new service “Vacc. Thru, park-inject-return”

Open for service every Monday – Friday (except public holidays) from 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Golden Jubilee Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital. Mahidol University “Siriraj-Kanchana”

Mahidol University, Salaya Subdistrict, Nakhon Pathom Province Only for appointments in advance via Line “GJ Vaccine Center” Ask for details, call. 0-2849-6600 Ext. 2307

Follow interesting news from Mahidol University at www.mahidol.ac.th

Source: Mahidol University

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