Easy-to-learn relaxation techniques for everyday use

2023-04-18 10:53:08

Many people find it difficult to relax. Tension comes from anger, fear, stress, and other worries. Chronic tension is bad for your health. For example, this leads to headaches and tension, but also an irritable mood, sleeping or eating disorders. Targeted relaxation techniques can prevent these symptoms.

Conscious breathing

Breathing is one of the involuntary processes of life. Most people barely pay attention to their breathing in everyday life. In stressful situations, breathing is shallow. Inhaling does not even completely fill the chest with air. In a relaxed state, on the other hand, the breath flows calmly and steadily. Conversely, conscious breathing calms the circulation and leads to physical and mental relaxation. With deep abdominal breathing, the abdominal wall rises as you inhale and descends as you exhale. This breathing technique can be used discreetly anytime, anywhere. It can be intensified by lengthening the exhalation. This allows the body to calm down more quickly following an effort or following a state of stress.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Muscle tension is also often involuntary, for example due to fear or anger. In progressive muscle relaxation, on the other hand, the muscles are briefly tensed and then relaxed. After a short conscious contraction, the muscles can then relax all the better. To do this, the user lies down flat on their back. He starts with his right leg, lifts it a few inches off the ground, flexes his toes for regarding five seconds, then lowers the leg and feels the relaxation. The same is repeated with the left leg. The user presses the shoulders and heels into the floor, lifts the buttocks a few centimeters and holds them straight for regarding five seconds, before dropping them back down. Now the lumbar spine is pressed firmly once morest the floor and the abdominal wall is tensed for five seconds. Then there is the chest. The shoulder blades are squeezed together and the chest is lifted a few inches and stretched for five seconds.

We continue with the shoulders and arms. The shoulders are pulled to the ears, the hands are clenched into fists, the arms are slightly raised and stretched for five seconds. Now comes the face, which is also briefly tense pulling all the muscles towards the tip of the nose, as if you’ve bitten into a sour lemon and then relaxed once more. Finally, the whole body is briefly tensed once more, the legs are lifted, the feet are brought together, the arms are raised and the fingers are stretched, the head is slightly tilted back and the face is stretched, the eyes are wide open and the tongue is stuck out. After five seconds, everything is relaxed and the relaxation felt. Used regularly, this relaxation technique allows you to go from tension to relaxation fairly quickly.


Following progressive muscle relaxation, the state of relaxation can be deepened by autosuggestion. The brain tells every part of the body to relax. Attention is first drawn to the right foot. The user says to himself: I am relaxing my right foot. My right foot is relaxed now. Then it continues with the right leg, the left foot and successively each other part of the body. Relaxation auto-suggestion can also be used independently of progressive muscle relaxation. However, it is a little more difficult to learn. Different parts of the body feel heavy and hot when relaxed. Breathing and heartbeat will naturally become calm and regular.


Learning to meditate is a bit more difficult for most. It’s important to really take the time to meditate and retreat to a quiet place. You can meditate lying on your back, lying on your stomach, kneeling or in the lotus position or in other positions. Meditation is not thinking regarding anything. The thoughts that arise can be perceived, but one should not devote oneself to them, but let them pass like clouds in the sky. The easiest thing to do while meditating is to focus on the breath, which should not be consciously influenced, but simply allowed to flow. Sounds, smells, everything passes, the meditator remains with himself, remains still in a state of relaxation. If you wish, you can also focus on a suggestion such as “I feel completely calm and relaxed” when meditating.

Recreational activities

It doesn’t have to be meditation, but it’s important to continue doing relaxing activities to balance the tension. Relaxation activities also include exercise and sports, dancing and walking. Laughter is also relaxing.

#Easytolearn #relaxation #techniques #everyday



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