Eastern Ontario microbrewery Beau’s goes under the Steam Whistle flag

Beau's microbrewery was founded in 2006 (archives).

© / Radio-Canada
Beau’s microbrewery was founded in 2006 (archives).

A beer flagship in the region, Beau’s Brewing Co in Vankleek Hill has just been sold to Toronto’s independent brewery, Steam Whistle Brewing.

In a joint statement sent on Monday afternoon, it is stated that 99,99 %» of the 129 shareholders of Beau’s voted overwhelmingly in favor» of the offer to purchase Steam Whistle.

Details of the offer are confidential to the shareholder group“, it was clarified.

Already last November, the two brewers had announced an alliance to better distribute their products in Ontario. But now the future of Beau’s will be linked to that of the independent Toronto brewer.

Founded by the father-son duo Tim and Steve Beauchesne, in 2006, Beau’s quickly made a name for itself in the brewing industry, distributing its organic craft beers in Quebec, Ontario and even New York State. The company prides itself on having won more than 100 awards for its beers, packaging concepts and business practices.

Following the transaction, Steve will continue to play an active role in Beau’s operations“, which will allow his father, aged 71, to retire.

Steve and Jennifer Beauchesne have been named to the new subsidiary’s board of directors, along with three directors appointed by Steam Whistle“, can we read in the missive.

Steve Beauchesne mentioned that the process, launched in 2016, took time» given that it was imperative to find a new owner whose value was aligned with that of Beau’s».

Video: Towards tighter allocation rules for social housing (Le Devoir)

Towards tighter allocation rules for social housing

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    Putin recognizes the independence of Ukraine’s pro-Russian separatists
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    The duty

  • Towards tighter allocation rules for social housing
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    Logo of Le Devoir: Le Devoir smallFavicon
    The duty

  • Truckers break camp after two days of demonstration in Quebec
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    The duty

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The importance of Beau’s on the local scene

Made aware of the news, the director of economic and tourist development for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, Carole Lavigne, praised the very big role» occupied by the company in the region.

[Les dirigeants] have done a lot of events in the community, like the Beau’s Oktoberfest which attracted many visitors every year. They promoted the area“, she said in an interview with Radio-Canada.

To illustrate the importance and popularity of this beer, Carole Lavigne told a very significant anecdote: We only had to mention Beau’s and we knew where we came fromshe said with a big smile.

Despite the sale, Carole Lavigne promised that she and her organization would continue to monitor the file with great interest. We were there at their beginnings and we will continue to follow them. I hope that we will be able to keep our fortified castle and that it won’t change much for the employees. These jobs are important.»

A ecological approach»

The company Beau’s has always put forward its ecological approach and buying local, favoring local suppliers, whether for its posters, brochures and coasters made of 100% post-consumer recycled paper or for its beer crates.

We make every decision by evaluating its impact on the environment“, indicates the company on its website, explaining its pride in having become, in 2013, the very first Canadian brewery to obtain the status. Benefit Corporation (B-Corp), certification granted by a third party to companies that make social responsibility a priority».

Since its creation, the microbrewery has also placed great emphasis on its local roots and philanthropy, regularly making donations to community organizations in its region, and committing to do so in the communities where its beer is distributed.

In May 2016, for its 10th anniversary, the company decided to sell the brewery to its staff, in the form of an employee shareholding program.

With information from Denis Babin

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