prepare the easter lunch and bringing the family together is one of the most beautiful traditions. This year, the date will be celebrated on April 9. It’s close, but there’s still time to think regarding and put into practice a playful decor to delight adults and children. Rabbits, eggs and pastel tones cannot be missing from the easter decoration. To help you creatively combine elements, we’ve gathered 9 set table inspirations. Choose your favorite ideas and get to work!
The juice jug was used as a vase, and the branches were decorated with decorative eggs. To complement, bunny crockery. Be sure to notice the pastel color palette, it makes all the difference.
Less is more! Here, white is the protagonist and the branches were adorned with just one egg. The combination of two species of flowers was a good solution to guarantee liveliness in the corner.
Who said garland is a Christmas thing? Around here, she got little ears and a rose in the center. The surroundings, with three chandeliers, ensured the decor’s minimalist air. Still, very fun!
This idea is great for reusing the elements we already have at home. Candles, domes, vases of flowers and even the diffuser gained prominence. The Easter theme appears in the frame and in the stuffed bunny placed in the center of the sideboard.
How regarding setting up a vase for the centerpiece? Carrots with foliage draw attention and guarantee a rustic touch. The composition was finished with yellow roses – notice how the color is also present in the dishes. A good way to create your Easter decor palette.
Easy to perform! Just buy bunny-shaped molds and even eggs to cut your fruits and set up a themed dessert table. Did you like the idea?
To mark a place at the table, the egg wrapped in a fabric napkin, in the shape of little ears, makes everything very charming. If you want, you can write the names of the guests on the eggs.
The idea is to set up a snack board? Or cold ones? Then, take the opportunity to decorate the pate. It’s very simple to put together a little bunny face and surprise the guests.
To end this list with a flourish, a carrot cake. Your dessert table will definitely be photographed a lot.