East Coast Sinking Crisis: New York City and Beyond

2024-01-14 16:53:09

A study published in the journal Nature indicates that the East Coast of the United States is sinking rapidly

New York City is sinking under the weight of its huge buildings

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The East Coast of the United Stateswhere the magnificent city of New York is located, It’s sinking. Yes, as you are reading, one of the most famous sites on the entire planet could be in danger because the land under the huge buildings is not solid and is gradually lowering compared to sea level. It goes without saying, but this is a real problem.

In recent articles published in The Wired, and echoed by Ars Technica, the latest study that appeared in the prestigious journal Nature Communications has been made public domain. This study has indicated that no less than 74,000 square meters of the East Coast of the United States are exposed to subsidence of 2 millimeters per year. While others 3,700 square kilometers suffer from subsidence of up to 5 millimeters.

The East Coast of the United States could end up under the waters of the Atlantic

The discovery of these figures, which may seem ridiculous to us if we transfer them to a ruler, could be fatal in the medium and long term. Cities like New York are in danger from a sinking process that affects many cities on the East Coast. All this due to the underground extractions that are being carried out in the area. In the case of New York it is also due to the weight of the buildings.

As time goes by, millimeters will become centimeters and thus the consequences of rising seas (due to climate change) They could directly affect cities where millions of people live. Although the towns built on the East Coast are not the most populated on the planet, that does not mean anything.

Furthermore, as the cited sources have warned, with every millimeter that this area sinks of the United States increases the risk of storm surges sweeping and destroying more land offshore. One of the authors of the study has stressed that it is not only about sea level, also from the rains. Since a pronounced subsidence could cause flooding in the interior.

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The East Coast of the United States. Sinking scale from dark blue (0) to dark red (6) in millimeters per year. Source: Leonard Ohenhen (Nature Communications)

The East Coast problem is shared with other geographic areas of the world, for example, in Jakarta, Indonesia. It sinks almost a foot a year (about 30 centimeters) due to the collapse of aquifers. Therefore, 95% of North Jakarta is expected to be under water in the next three decadesaffecting thousands of people.

The solution to this problem is complex, since scientists have said that each and every one of the places that are sinking on the East Coast would have to be monitored to give them a concrete answer. The study of groundwater levels is also key to fully understanding the problem.

For now The authorities have picked up the witness of what is happening underfoot of millions of people in the United States. Now we will have to wait to see if there really is a solution and capital is invested in it.

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