easily create online surveys for your market research

2023-07-31 10:54:45

Market research is essential to understand the needs and expectations of your target. Today, we are going to introduce you to an innovative and practical solution for creating online surveys: Drag’n Survey. This service will allow you to conduct market research efficiently and quickly. In this article, we will offer you a complete guide to using Drag’n Survey and getting the most out of this platform.

Why choose Drag’n Survey for your market research

As professionals, you are constantly looking for solutions to optimize your market research. Drag’n Survey is a tool intuitive et performant which will allow you to create online surveys in just a few clicks. Here are the reasons why you should choose Drag’n Survey.

Time saving and simplicity

One of the main advantages of Drag’n Survey is its ease of use. Thanks to its intuitive interface, you will be able to create online surveys quickly and effortlessly. Its “drag and drop” system allows you to easily customize your questionnaires.

Flexibility and customization

Drag’n Survey offers a wide variety of types of questions and of models to meet your specific needs. You can customize your surveys with visuals and advanced features to capture your respondents’ attention and collect accurate data.

Results analysis

Drag’n Survey offers tools foranalyse powerful to help you interpret the results of your online surveys. You will be able to easily visualize the data collected and generate comprehensive reports to make informed decisions.

How to create a survey with Drag’n Survey

Now that you know the advantages of Drag’n Survey, we will guide you through the creation of an online survey. Follow these steps to design a questionnaire tailored to your needs.

Sign up on the Drag’n Survey platform and choose a plan that suits your needs. Click on ” Create a survey and select a template or start from a blank questionnaire. Use the drag-and-drop system to add and organize your survey questions. You can also customize the design and settings of your questionnaire. Test your survey before distributing it to your respondents. Share your survey via email, direct link, social media or embed it on your website.

The different types of questions and their advantages

Drag’n Survey provides you with a wide range of question types to help you collect relevant data. Here are some sample questions and their benefits:

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Multiple choice questions : allow to propose several possible answers to a question. Ideal for closed questions and to facilitate the analysis of answers.
Open questions : give respondents the opportunity to express themselves freely. They offer a better insight into the opinions and expectations of your target.
Échelles de Likert : allow us to measure the degree of agreement or disagreement of respondents with regard to a statement. Useful for assessing attitudes and preferences.
Ranking Questions : Prompt respondents to rank items according to a specific criteria. Ideal for identifying your target’s priorities.

Analyze results and improve your surveys

Once you’ve collected your survey responses, it’s time toanalyze data and D’improve your quizzes. Drag’n Survey offers powerful analysis tools to help you visualize results and generate detailed reports. Here are some tips for getting the most out of these tools:

Use the graphics and the tableaux to view collected data and quickly spot trends. Export your data in different formats (Excel, CSV, PDF) for further processing or to share the results with your collaborators. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your survey to improve it and obtain even more relevant results during your next market studies.

Finally, Drag’n Survey is a tool indispensable to conduct effective and fast market research. Thanks to its ease of use, its flexibility and its powerful analysis features, you will be able to create online surveys adapted to your needs and obtain valuable data for your business. Feel free to try Drag’n Survey to optimize your market research and make informed decisions.

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