Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria: Miracles amidst the ruins | Life

A policeman hugs and comforts his daughter following she was rescued from an earthquake in Hatay, Turkey on February 6. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

On February 10, rescuers in Turkey successfully rescued a woman, following she was trapped for 104 hours in the rubble of a collapsed building due to an earthquake disaster.

The rescue team – sent by the German government to the town of Kirikhan to help the government and people here – brought her Zeynep Kahraman40 years old, got out of the trap, stretched the victim through a sprawling area of ​​broken concrete blocks and broken iron bars to reach the ambulance.

Rescue team captain Steven Bayer said: “Now I believe in miracles. You can see people crying and hugging each other. It’s a relief that we were able to rescue this woman. , she’s still intact and healthy even in such bad conditions. It’s definitely a miracle.”

[Câu chuyện đẫm nước mắt của những đứa trẻ mồ côi sau thảm họa động đất]

Kahraman lay still, strapped to a stretcher to immobilize his body. Her arms rest comfortably on her chest.

The rescue team gave Kahraman a pair of black glasses to protect his eyes from sudden light following 104 hours of living in the dark.

Kahraman’s family said they had been torn between hope and anxiety for the past two days as the rescue operation began.

The rescue team occasionally spoke to Kahraman during this time to make sure she was okay. They tried to provide drinking water to the victim.

Even Kahraman’s sister Zuebeyde was given the opportunity to talk to her sister.

Miss Tamara Reither – a member of the rescue team – said: “The woman tried her best and did not give up. We are really grateful that she is finally safe in the other ambulance. “

When “golden time” 72 hours to save lives following the earthquake disaster has passed, there are still miracles as in the comment of captain Steven Bayer.

Also on February 10, in the city of Antakya, Southeast Turkey, at the 105th hour following the earthquake happened, the rescue force successfully rescued the baby. Yusuf Huseyin18 months old, out of the rubble.

Twenty minutes later, they continued to rescue more Muhammed Huseyin – a 7-year-old child.

Earlier, a 10-day-old baby and his mother were also rescued following being trapped for 90 hours in Hatay province, which was heavily affected by the earthquake.

The magnitude 7.8 earthquake in southern Turkey and northwestern Syria on the morning of February 6 was recorded as the deadliest earthquake in decades in this area.

As of 20:00 on the evening of February 10, a total of 22,368 people have died due to this earthquake disaster, of which in Turkey is 18,991 cases and in Syria is 3,377 cases.

Thousands of people have lost their homes and are in dire need of food amid the bitter cold of winter.




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