Earthquake: Karas for the unbureaucratic admission of those affected

The ÖVP politician and First Vice President of the European Parliament, Othmar Karas, calls for an international aid conference initiated by the EU for the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. In the ORF “Press Hour” today, he also spoke out in favor of the unbureaucratic, temporary admission of those affected in Austria.

He expects new refugee movements from the region to Europe if immediate help is not forthcoming. Karas described the earthquake as a “huge humanitarian catastrophe with great political explosiveness” that will also have an impact on Europe. He called for an international aid conference to be held.

The German government’s proposal to give people affected by the earthquake with “relative persons in Europe” the opportunity to stay with their relatives via an unbureaucratic visa procedure might “gain a lot,” said Karas. However, this measure should be “part of an overall aid package”. “The worst thing is to watch and wait for the others,” you have to help where you can – financially, humanitarian and socially.

Criticism of EU special summit

Karas found critical words for EU migration policy and the recently held EU special summit on flight and migration. At the summit of heads of state and government on Thursday, “not a single new measure was decided”, and the earthquake disaster and the resulting possible new refugee movements towards Europe were not addressed at all.

He also regrets the communication in Austria with the results of the summit, said the ÖVP politician with a view to the discussion regarding border fences. The European Union must deal with the flight issue “more seriously, courageously and honestly”. Instead of working together on solutions, “fears of being overtaken by foreigners are fueled” – also in Austria, said Karas.

Dealing with crises in this country has been a “mistake” in recent years, Karas replied when asked regarding the politics of the ÖVP under Sebastian Kurz. “The political style that has spread, the squinting at the extreme right-wing fringes, allowing the division of society, the radicalization in the choice of words are serious mistakes.” The political center loses in elections because they curry favor with the political fringes.



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