Earth-like planet discovered orbiting in its star’s habitable zone

A planet similar to Earth was discovered by NASA researchers in the TOI 700 planetary system, 101.4 light years away.

The planet orbits within the habitable zone relative to its star. For this reason, it is suspected that liquid water could exist on its surface.

According to the US agency, thanks to the data obtained by the TESS satellite (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) after a year of observation, scientists determined that the so-called “TOI 700 e” has a size of approximately 95% of that of Earth. and they think it’s rocky.

As detailed by Emily Gilbert, co-author of the research, TOI 700 “is one of the few systems we know of with multiple small planets in the habitable zone.” In 2020, experts reported the discovery of a planet with characteristics comparable to those of Earth in this same system, the “TOI 700 d”.

According to the US agency, thanks to the data obtained by the TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) satellite after a year of observation, scientists determined that the so-called “TOI 700” has a size of approximately 95% of Earth and they believe it is rocky.

Research co-author Emily Gilbert explained that TOI 700 “is one of the few systems we know of with multiple small planets in the habitable zone.”

In 2020, experts reported the discovery of a planet with characteristics comparable to those of Earth in this same system, TOI 700 d.

Source: RT in Spanish


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