Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

2023-07-16 16:36:15

Some signs, such as a missed period, may suggest pregnancy, while others are more subtle. Review of the main symptoms.

Pain or tension in the chest

From the first days, pain in the chest may appear during pregnancy. The breasts are tense and swell. The pain is usually on the side of the chest or in the nipple.

The appearance of the nipple can also change: the surrounding skin becomes grainy and loses its smooth appearance.


Nausea, especially in the morning, evokes the onset of pregnancy and affects one out of two pregnant women. They are due in particular to the effect of progesterone on the esophagus.

Eating usually soothes nausea. If they systematically lead to vomiting, treatment is necessary.

increased appetite

If the experienced nausea usually cuts off the appetite, the rest of the time the pregnant woman has an appetite for two and increases her food intake.

Food cravings at any time of the day and night are explained by an increased need for energy to ensure the proper development of the fetus.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Pelvic pain, similar to that occurring when approaching or during menstruation, may occur.

These pains are normal and should not necessarily suggest a miscarriage. They are simply a sign of a change in the uterus.

blood loss

Bleeding at the expected time of menstruation can occur in first trimester pregnancy. Frequent, they affect one in four women and are not a sign of dysfunction.

On the other hand, if they are frequent and important, it is better to consult to rule out any risk of complication.

Olfactory hypersensitivity

In case of pregnancy, the sense of smell is more developed and can be modified: a pleasant smell can quickly become unbearable and vice versa.

The reason ? The increase in the level of hormones in the blood which dilates the blood vessels, in particular those of the nose, which then perceives odors more.


Increased levels of progesterone in the blood can disrupt sleep. The nights are then more agitated and the recovery less good.

The body also needs more energy, resulting in daytime fatigue and/or drowsiness.


Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation in a woman of childbearing age.

Any delay in menstruation should suggest the onset of pregnancy even if other causes exist.

On the other hand, the rules, called “anniversary rules”, can last throughout the pregnancy at the presumed time of the rules.

Hot flashes

It is common to have hot flashes during pregnancy. These are due to hormonal variations: progesterone significantly increases body temperature.

Perspiration is also more important, the sweat glands being more solicited to refresh the organism.

Disgust for certain foods

Certain foods, usually appreciated, can put off in the first trimester of pregnancy. They are due in particular to olfactory hypersensitivity and the presence of nausea.

Conversely, a pronounced taste for certain foods may appear. Some beliefs even claim that food cravings are defined according to the sex of the expected baby.

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