Early Detection of Terrorism Threats Guarantees Security of PON 2024

PON 2024 (Antara)

THE XXI National Sports Week (PON) which has been completed in Aceh and North Sumatra on September 9-20, 2024 took place safely and conducively. Ishaq Ibrahim, a lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra (UINSU), emphasized that the government has carried out maximum security for this grand event.

“From a security perspective, the implementation of PON has been very good. The security measures taken by the government have been quite optimal,” said Ishaq as quoted on Sunday (21/9).

Ishaq explained that the ranks of the Indonesian Police, from the Regional Police to the Sector Police, played an active role in maintaining security during the PON. Synergy between officers and the community is also the key to effective security.

“There is intense coordination and communication between security officers and the community so that all security disturbances that are feared to occur can be anticipated. Thus, everything can be conducive, safe, and under control,” said Ishaq.

Efforts to maintain a safe situation during PON are also supported by early detection measures against potential security disturbances, including threats of terrorism and radicalism. According to Ishaq, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) has conducted intensive monitoring.

“BNPT went to Aceh and North Sumatra to monitor points prone to terrorism and radicalism so that they can be detected as early as possible. Alhamdulillah, everything is safe and there was no terror or zero terrorist attacks until the closing of PON,” said the Head of the North Sumatra Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT).

Also read: PON XXI Brings Positive Impact to UMKM Aceh

Ishaq added that the importance of early detection of terrorism and radicalism threats cannot be ignored. Although the current situation is safe, the potential for threats still exists.

“There are active terrorist cells that are always looking for new victims to be used as suicide bombers. There are also sleeping terrorist cells that secretly or unpredictably carry out suicide bombings. This is what must always be anticipated and so far has been done by BNPT,” said Ishaq.

As an anticipatory measure, BNPT has also held dialogues with dozens of former terrorism convicts (napiter) in Medan, which is considered important for maintaining security during the implementation of PON.

“Before the PON was held, BNPT had conducted intensive dialogue and discussion with around 40 former napiter in Medan. In addition, there was also dialogue with religious leaders, youth, and others. This is a good step to maintain security,” said Ishaq.

With these various efforts, Ishaq is optimistic that PON XXI will be a safe and lively sports celebration.

#Early #Detection #Terrorism #Threats #Guarantees #Security #PON



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