“Early Detection and Warning Signs of Malignant Skin Cancer: The Importance of Regular Skin Checks”

2023-05-07 15:00:00

06:00 pm

Sunday 07 May 2023

I wrote – Asmaa Morsi

The birthmark appears on the skin from birth, and others may appear with age, and it is considered in itself not dangerous, as long as it remains the same and its shape or color does not change, but some can develop into a cancerous tumor.

In a similar case, a woman discovered that a birthmark forming on her skin was a cancerous tumor.

Years before her diagnosis, the woman, Ella Smith, went to a dermatologist and was warned regarding the dark spot on her groin area, according to the Times of India.

10 years later, I remembered the warning when I accidentally scratched the macula, and it started to bleed.

Then the spot started to itch following months, which made Ella worried, so she decided to go to the doctor, who took a sample from the spot, and she was diagnosed with malignant skin cancer.


Smith’s cancer was caught at an early stage, and as a result she was not given chemotherapy, she underwent surgery to remove the cancerous tumor.

People of all skin colors can develop skin cancer, but Smith wasn’t concerned with the warning symptoms, because she was a darker-skinned woman and thought they had a lower rate of skin cancer than fair-skinned people.

According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of skin cancer is 20 percent higher in fair-skinned people than in dark-skinned people, however, health experts warn people of all skin tones once morest the disease.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “People of all colors, including fair-skinned people and dark-skinned people, can develop skin cancer, even if they’ve never sunburned.”

Warning signs to watch out for:

Dark spots that grow in size, bleed, or change their appearance.

Ulcers and wounds that do not heal quickly.

Roughness and dryness of the skin.

Dark skin or dark lines under the nails.

Regularly check the membranes lining the mouth, nose, and private parts.

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