Early Alzheimer’s disease: What are the symptoms?

2024-07-07 22:00:00


Alzheimer’s disease most commonly occurs after age 65. However, early-onset Alzheimer’s disease can also occur in younger people. Then the symptoms are relatively atypical. It is important to identify them for early intervention.

See also article: Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

French team (University of Paris-Saclay) analyzed the medical journeys of people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease (65 years of age) and people in that age group who did not develop the disease. We first note that the initial cognitive symptoms of patients with early Alzheimer’s disease are characterized by fewer memory impairments (38% compared with 87% in older patients) and the absence of atypical amnestic syndromes (information processing). ) has a higher incidence.

See also article: Early-onset Parkinson’s disease: “Other symptoms beyond the elderly”

confusion and burnout

In a third of cases, these symptoms were incorrectly identified as reflections of burnout (or related), and a large proportion of patients (26%) were then referred for psychological care. We also found that when an Alzheimer’s diagnosis was finally made, the severity was higher in younger patients.

Why are there these differences? The researchers believe this is explained by the unique location of the brain lesions. In early forms, they primarily affect the temporoparietal cortex (or crossroads), with limited involvement of the hippocampus. In their more classic form, they cause severe atrophy of the medial temporal lobe, which plays a crucial role in memory.

In all cases, doctors must be aware of these atypical symptoms to avoid missing an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis. This is really crucial for fast and appropriate support.

See also article: Dementia: Ten symptoms that may indicate Alzheimer’s disease


Last updated: July 2024

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