Earlier pension payments – These are the dates

In view of the Christmas and New Year holidays and with the aim of providing financial relief to pensioners, the dates for the payments of the pensions for the month of January 2024 and the personal difference allowance will be made earlier.

The payment of January 2024 pensions to pensioners of all Funds will begin earlier than the scheduled dates


On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, the main pensions will be paid from
former Non-Employee OAEE, OGA and ETAA funds, the main pensions awarded from the establishment of the EFKA and after, with Law 4387/2016, through the OPS-EFKA [συνταξιούχοι Μισθωτοί & Μη Μισθωτοί από 12.5.2016 (Ν.4387/12.5.2016 και έπειτα] and all supplementary pensions of the private sector (Non-Employed and Employed).

On Thursday, December 21, 2023, the main pensions of
formerly of Wage Funds [ΙΚΑ-ΕΤΑΜ, τραπεζών, ΟΤΕ, ΔΕΗ, ΛΟΙΠΩΝ ΕΝΤΑΣΣΟΜΕΝΩΝ
(ΤΣΕΑΠΓΣΟ, ΤΣΠ-ΗΣΑΠ), ΝΑΤ, ΕΤΑΤ και ΕΤΑΠ-ΜΜΕ] as well as the main and auxiliary pensions of the State. It is pointed out that the said pensions will be increased by 3%, with the result that the national pension for 2024 will be 426.17 euros from 413.76 euros (+12.41 euros).


On Wednesday 20 December 2023 the “personal difference allowance” will be credited with
amounts ranging from 100 – 200 euros to 730,550 pensioners, while the total amount to be allocated amounts to 102.8 million euros.

The distribution of the allowance to the beneficiaries is shown in the following table:

It is reminded that insured persons with pensionable earnings of more than 1,600 euros will not receive a benefit.

C. SOCIAL SOLIDARITY ALLOWANCE for vulnerable households in December 2023

On Monday, December 18, 2023, the payment of the allowance will take place
150 euros which will be paid to 929,227 low pensioners to whom
main old-age, disability or death pension and the pre-retirement pension were paid
benefit for the month of October 2023 and who during this month had an amount of personal pension difference, equal to or less than ten (10) euros. Also, 45,860 beneficiaries of e-EFKA disability benefits will receive an extraordinary one-off financial aid of two hundred (200) euros. In total, 975,087 beneficiaries will receive a social solidarity allowance of vulnerable households of 100 or 200 euros.

It is pointed out that the extraordinary one-off financial aid is granted to the above beneficiaries, provided that they have been paid main old-age, disability or death pensions or pre-retirement benefits for the month of October 2023, cumulatively, for a total net pre-tax amount of up to seven hundred (700) euros.

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#Earlier #pension #payments #dates



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