EAJ-PNV presents municipal candidacies for the Cuadrilla de Montaña Alavesa in Santa Cruz de Campezo

2023-05-14 13:20:37

Santa Cruz de Campezo has hosted this morning the presentation of the municipal candidacies of EAJ-PNV in the Cuadrilla de Montaña Alavesa. The candidate for re-election as deputy general of Álava, Ramiro González, has valued the management carried out in the area and has promised to “continue improving the towns of Mendialdea with a policy that looks at the people, in the PNV style. That is the policy in which I believe, that of dialogue, agreement and work. The policy that allows projects to be built and carried out and that serves to improve people’s lives”. “Citizens know that we govern sensibly, with moderation and common sense. And today these are the best values ​​”, he has indicated.

In his speech, Ramiro González reviewed the investments and projects of recent years, the result of joint inter-institutional work between the Provincial Council of Álava, the Basque Government, crews and town halls. “We have invested more than ever”, he assured, citing the first ekiola in Euskadi, the Basque-Navarrese greenway, the mining interpretation center in Atauri, or the deployment of broadband, among others. And then he has announced other improvement projects “because we are committed and committed to Mendialdea. Because from EAJ-PNV, we comply”, he said, to cite for example, the establishment of a housing rehabilitation and regeneration program for urban areas, the implementation of local care ecosystems in rural areas, the promotion of entrepreneurship , talent and innovation without forgetting a new plan to improve regional roads or the improvement in the frequency of regional transport. “In other words, we are going to continue working, improving our towns, our roads, transportation in the territory, care for dependent people at home, in their environment. And we are going to do it because that is what Álava needs ”, he has settled.

The act began with the presentation of the municipal candidacies of Montaña Alavesa by the president of the Araba Buru Batzar. José Antonio Suso gave the floor to Anartz Gorrotxategi (Arraia-Maeztu), Javier Moraza (Bernedo), Larraitz Waliño (Harana), Marisol Bedia (Lagrán) and Tito Vidal (Peñacerrada-Urizaharra) following pointing out that the jeltzal candidacies are made up of “men and women with experience, capacity, motivation and enthusiasm”. “People –he added- who want to continue building community from open and transparent governments. People who always listen and talk. People who weave alliances. People who will make Araba look to the future”.

The president of the ABB has called for participation in the polls. “On Sunday, May 28, it is in the hands of everyone and everyone to choose how we want to draw that future. If we want a canvas in black and white or we want it in color. I want the last. And I know that many people will also go to the polls to express it. Others are unmotivated or indecisive, tired of the noise transmitted by a certain way of doing politics that leaves people aside and forgets the common good. His real interest, his only interest, is in destroying the political adversary. They are those of black and white politics. It is to these people that we have to convey the message of the Basque Nationalist Party. No one can stay at home with their hands folded on May 28. Our towns and our cities have to continue to be energized. Because from the local you can offer the best answers to the closest problems. Because the most advanced public policies, centered on people, emerge from the foral”, pointed out José Antonio Suso.

The event was attended by the Minister for Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government. Nerea Melgosa has remembered “all those women who have left their mark on the development of our society. We must recognize their courage, their work, their knowledge and their determination”. He has also appealed to go to vote on May 28 “being very clear who has fought and continues to fight for our rights in a responsible way and without fuss, without radicalism, listening… who, calmly and rationally, attends to our demands and works tirelessly for the democratic, just and cohesive society that we all want and deserve. That is the Basque Nationalist Party”.

#Ramiro #González #committed #continuing #improve #towns #Montaña #Alavesa #policy #people #PNV #style



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