“Each year, this disease causes 70,000 deaths, especially among children”

Every winter, 30% of children under the age of 2 are affected by bronchiolitis. If in most cases, it heals spontaneously following 5 to 10 days, some infants require hospitalization.

Pediatric emergency services are facing a triple epidemic of bronchiolitis, influenza and Covid-19. Bronchiolitis is a respiratory infection of the small bronchi caused by a very common and highly contagious respiratory virus. It can be serious in infants and the elderly. Each year, 30% of children under the age of 2 are affected by bronchiolitis.

The disease occurs by a breathtaking increase in temperature in infants, by dyspnea, by very great difficulty in breathing“, explains Dr. Christian Recchia. Most of the time, bronchiolitis begins with a cold and a little cough.

Bronchiolitis is as serious as acute diarrhea in children in terms of potential survival“. To limit the risk as much as possible, Dr. Recchia reminds us of the need to thoroughly clean the bathroom and the baby’s room. “Cleaning must be done with steam because steam is able to kill all possible viruses, bacteria and miasma“.

Prevention measures

Many people are contagious without knowing it. On a daily basis, the virus is transmitted through saliva, coughs and sneezes. It can also be deposited on the hands and objects touched daily. Hence the importance of scrupulously respecting hygiene measures (hand washing, daily ventilation, avoiding confined spaces, etc.), as reminded the ministry of health.

To improve the comfort of the infant, it is recommended to give him a bath at two degrees less than his temperature to bring down the fever. Generally, bronchiolitis resolves spontaneously following 5 to 10 days, but the cough may persist for longer, up to four weeks. “Hospitalization is very rarely indicated, parents are advised to consult their doctor first.“, recalls the Ministry of Health.

VIDEO – Crisis in pediatric services: the dismay of a father whose baby has bronchiolitis

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