E85 has risen sharply in six months, the numbers speak for themselves

Zapping Autonews Green Electric cars: the novelties of the year 2022

On January 1, the average price per liter of Superethanol-E85 was €0.74 according to data from our partner Carbu.com. Six months later, on June 30, it was €0.86. At the pump, E85 is a real bargain for your wallet. As long as you have installed a box or purchased an original FlexFuel vehicle. And it will probably remain so for some time to come. As long as the liter of gasoline remains above 2€ per litre.

Nevertheless, the figures do not deceive. The average price per liter increased by 8 cents in the first half of 2022. An increase of 16.22%. And once more, the price of E85, like that of diesel, gasoline or LPG, benefits from the fuel discount of 18 cents per liter from the government. Without it, E85 would be above €1 per litre…

But where does this biofuel stand compared to the others in the first half of 2022? E85 is with LPG, the cheapest fuel on the French market. Its price has mainly increased because it contains between 15 and 40% Lead Free. And as the latter rose sharply, the E85 followed.

Unleaded precisely, let’s talk. To take just the example of the E10, its price went from €1.65 on January 1 to €2.05 per liter on June 30. That is an increase of 24.24% in six months. It’s worse for diesel. We went from €1.58 on the first day of the year to €2.12 on June 30. That is a price increase of 34.18%.

There is only one fuel that has seen its price fall in this interval: LPG. Its average price was €0.91 on January 1. It was €0.86 on June 30. A drop of 5.49%. But this drop must be tempered because it is only permitted thanks to the government’s fuel discount.

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If it feels less at the pump than for gasoline or diesel, Superethanol-E85 has increased significantly over the last six months. Its price per liter went from €0.74 on January 1 to €0.86 on June 30. An increase of more than 16%, tempered by the government’s fuel discount.

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