€7.5 billion piggy bank for new tax cuts until 2027

€7.5 billion piggy bank for new tax cuts until 2027
In a related question recently received by the prime minister, he replied that the possibility of reducing VAT rates is something that will be considered later. This means that the changes in the tax scale and the reduction in living standards should first be completed and then the reduction of the basic indirect tax, that is VAT, should be considered.

Competent sources of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stressed that especially a move in the field of VAT is extremely costly, since a 1% reduction in VAT rates costs approximately 800-850 million euros, an amount that cannot be easily compensated from other sources than from the arrest of the tax that currently escapes the radar of the tax authorities. This is also the reason why, especially for VAT, the reference point will not be the reduction of tax evasion in general, but in particular the so-called “VAT gap”, i.e. the difference between the tax that should be collected based on the GDP of the amount of VAT that ultimately goes to the public coffers.

The relevant EU index, published a year earlier for the 2021 taxes, showed for Greece a deviation of the potential from the collected VAT of 17.8%, a figure corresponding to 3.3 billion euros. Competent sources of the Ministry of Finance estimated that this year’s report of the Commission for the year 2022 will show that the VAT loophole will have been reduced to 13%. The reduction is noticeable, but the result is much higher than the EU average, where the VAT gap does not exceed 9%. This difference in fact postpones any thought of a reduction in the next two years.

Tax evasion

In the last mention of the matter, in the pre-election program of the ND. in 2019, the plan was to have a 2% reduction in the basic rate of 24% and the reduced rate of 13%. The issue came up again in the pre-election period of 2023, but this time without a clear goal.

At the present stage, all that the Ministry of Finance is admitting is that any reduction made will be based on when the fight against tax evasion reaches its peak and gives full “fruits”. The intensity of electronic transactions, the interconnection of cash registers with POS and the digitization of AADE controls through MY DATA are expected to contribute 800 million additional VAT, only for 2024. Mr. Kostis Hatzidakis estimated, a few days ago, that the subject of the campaign of the Ministry of Finance will be revenues that will reach 2.5 billion euros annually until 2027. However, newer estimates, which are based on the data resulting from electronic checks, want the revenues, which come from the limitation of tax evasion, to be greater, reaching, from the end of 2026, 3 billion euros. And this, if the expected growth rates of the economy are achieved.

Up high

VAT rates, almost imposed during the economic rescue programs, are now among the highest in Europe. The average basic VAT rate for the entire EU is 21.6%, while in Greece 24%. Higher than Greece is the basic VAT rate in Sweden and Denmark (25%), while only Finland has a basic rate of 24%. The high VAT rates, which were last “divided” in 2015, at the beginning of the 3u memorandum, they burdened low and middle incomes the most, which had decreased by about 30%, due to the multi-year crisis. Now, six years after Greece’s final exit from the memorandums and then four years of enhanced supervision, the basic VAT rate is at 24% and the reduced rate at 13%. These coefficients are now imposed on high product prices, at a time when incomes in Greece are at 2/3 of the European average, from which they fall by 33%. In the first instance, the government’s doctrine is that the only antidote to punctuality is to raise incomes. However, income growth is slow and – as it turned out – it was difficult for them to “catch up” with the rise in prices, especially during the years of high inflation, namely 2022 and 2023.


For all these reasons, it would be prudent, when the necessary fiscal space exists, to make a relief in the basic indirect tax, with two scenarios in the hands of Maximos:

– The first scenario calls for the reduction of the basic and the reduced rate by 2%, as was announced before the elections. That is, the reduction of the basic rate to 22% from 24% and the reduced rate to 11% from 13% today. This process is relatively simpler, since in order to be implemented it is enough to create the appropriate institutional framework and then change the prices. However, this solution will keep the pressure especially on middle and low income earners, who will pay almost the same money for food and daily necessities, which are already very expensive.

– The second scenario comes to fulfill, up to a point, the constant request of the opposition parties, which, during the months of high inflation, asked for the reduction or abolition for a period of the rates on all foodstuffs, leaving the rates unchanged in other goods and services. In particular, it foresees that instead of a “horizontal” reduction in rates, a permanent transfer of products and services to 13% from 24% today. The problem is that the second scenario will require a longer and more detailed preparation in order not to observe phenomena like those of 2015, when it took about 1.5 years to complete the whole process. However, these scenarios – and those that will arise in the future – will be considered again, not before the middle of 2026.

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#billion #piggy #bank #tax #cuts
It looks like you’ve pasted​ a snippet ‌of code that deals with a variety of advertising and analytics technologies for a web ⁣page. There are placeholder comments ⁢and potentially incomplete code blocks indicating that​ it’s ‍part of a larger ⁣implementation.‌ Here’s a breakdown of ​what the snippet generally ⁢entails and some best practices:

### Breakdown ​of the Snippet

1. **AdSense Removal**: ⁣


⁣ document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) ⁣{

⁤ ⁢‍ e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’).remove();



This code removes AdSense ads from elements identified as `.adsense-for-mobile`.

2. **Loading ​AdSense Scripts**:

It loops through all AdSense slots and prepares to load additional scripts or perform actions‌ if⁢ they exist.

3. **Adman Initialization**:

⁢ The snippet seems to​ be ⁣preparing to load a‍ script for Phaistos Adman, which is an advertising technology.

4. **OneSignal Integration**:

‍ ⁣ ‍ This initializes OneSignal for push notifications with a specific app ID:

⁤ ​ “`javascript

​ ⁢ OneSignal.init({

⁤ ⁣ appId: ​”487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,


⁤ “`

5. **Disqus Integration**:

‌ ‌ A‌ configuration function for Disqus comments is defined, awaiting⁢ an async script load for​ Disqus.

6. **CleverCore ⁢(commented out)**:

A mechanism to load a third-party script ⁢called CleverCore ‌is commented out. ‍It appears to be prepared for asynchronous loading.

7. **Multiple⁣ Ad Networks**:

Modular script loading for other ad networks including Taboola‍ and Project ‌Agora is structured but ⁤not fully fleshed ⁤out.

8. **Conditionally Loading Scripts**:

⁢ There are⁢ conditions to check if elements exist before loading respective ad scripts‍ or additional scripts.

### Best​ Practices

1. **Error Handling**: Ensure that‌ you handle potential errors while loading​ scripts.⁣ Consider⁢ using `try…catch` blocks around​ asynchronous​ script loading​ logic.

2. **Clean Up**:​ Remove the commented-out blocks if they are not needed to keep the ⁢code clean. If they are for​ documentation purposes, consider⁢ adding comments explaining their relevance.

3. **Async/Await**: If your environment and ⁣codebase support ES6, consider using⁣ `async/await` for ‍better readability while handling asynchronous script loads.

4.⁢ **Performance**:⁢ Only load scripts that are necessary for ​the current user’s experience ‍to improve page load⁣ speed.

5. **Maintainability**: Functions like‌ `asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule`​ should be clearly defined and documented for easier maintenance.

6.⁣ **Dynamic Ad Placement**: ⁢If you are dynamically⁤ loading ads, ⁣ensure that they​ are appropriately tagged for​ tracking⁤ and analytics.

7. ⁢**Fallbacks**: Prepare fallback ​mechanisms for⁢ critical features in case any external services fail to ⁣load.

The above suggestions ⁣could help improve the robustness and clarity of the code ‍you pasted. ⁢Consider sharing⁤ what specific help you need regarding ⁣the code snippet for more ‍targeted advice!

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