E-Policy Becomes a Breakthrough in Digital Transformation in the Insurance Sector – 2024-07-20 06:29:07

Seminar “e-Policy Literacy and Utilization of AI for Policy Issuance and Validity Checking Process”. (PERURI DOC)

AS a form of commitment to supporting the progress of digitalization in Indonesia, Peruri was present as a resource person at the Seminar “e-Policy Literacy and Utilization of AI for the Policy Issuance and Validity Check Process” organized by the Indonesian General Insurance Association (AAUI) at the MAIPARK Ballroom, Jakarta, on Monday (15/7).

This seminar aims to increase understanding of e-Polis and the use of AI technology provided by Peruri in the document tracking process to ensure the authenticity of e-Polis documents for AAUI members.

E-Polis is a modern solution that supports digital transformation in the insurance sector. Through e-Polis, Peruri offers increased efficiency and security in the process of issuing and checking the validity of insurance policy documents. This step is a form of Peruri’s commitment to continue to innovate in meeting the needs of the industry in the digital era.

AAUI Chairman, Budi Herawan, appreciated the presence of e-Polis as a solution to increase efficiency and guarantee the authenticity of the policy through digitalization. “Entering the digitalization era, we can minimize various problems that often occur in the insurance process. Technology in digitalization is the key to increasing efficiency,” he said.

The presence of e-Polis strengthens Peruri’s role as a guarantor of the authenticity of various important documents in Indonesia, which has now transformed into a digital business. This was emphasized by Farah Fitria Rahmayanti as Peruri’s Digital Business Director in the seminar. “The transformation to a digital business strengthens our position in the field of authenticity guarantor and allows us to continue to innovate in the digital era, one of which is e-Polis. We ensure that every e-Polis issued has forensic features with multi-layered security that prevents counterfeiting and provides trust for all parties involved,” said Farah.

Acting Deputy for Digital Procurement Transformation of LKPP, Patria Susantosa, also conveyed the importance of digital transformation in various sectors, including the procurement sector. “Procurement transformation is a very fundamental change. Procurement must be transformed to increase efficiency and transparency. LKPP supports the initiation of digitalization in the procurement process, one of which is for surety bonds, job guarantees and the issuance of other documents electronically,” said Patria.

Also read: Samsung Knox Security Solution to Protect Personal Data on Your Smartphone

The regulation regarding electronic policies (e-Polis) has been regulated in OJK Regulation Number 23/POJK.05/2015. “Digital transformation is one of OJK’s concerns. We are committed to continuing to support and monitor the implementation of digitalization in the insurance sector,” said Asep Iskandar as Head of the Department of Licensing, Special Examination and Quality Control of Insurance, Guarantee and Pension Funds of the Financial Services Authority.

Established since 1971, Peruri has now successfully transformed its business from security printing to a high security technology company that offers solutions to guarantee the authenticity and authentication of digital products.

Due to its consistency and improvement in implementing its digital transformation, at the end of 2023 Peruri once more gained the trust of the government through its appointment as Government Technology (GovTech) Indonesia. GovTech Indonesia, which has been named INA Digital by President Jokowi, is part of Peruri as the organizer of the integration of the Indonesian government’s digital service ecosystem.

In the future, the application that will be created by INA DIGITAL will make the public experience more comfortable and efficient when accessing government services. (Z-6)

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