During the period 4 to 8 November, 67,788,737 euros will be paid to 79,091 beneficiaries, as part of the scheduled payments of the e-EFKA and the Public Employment Service.
Specifically from e-EFKA:
On November 4, 311,000 euros will be paid to 440 beneficiaries for TAVTEKO benefits.
On November 6, 15,277,737 will be paid to 32,883 beneficiaries for cash benefits (maternity, pregnancy, sickness, accident, funeral expenses).
Reduced night tariff: The hours
From November 4 to 8, 15,000,000 euros will be paid to 750 beneficiaries following the issuance of one-off decisions.
The following payments will be made by DYPA:
16,000,000 euros to 26,000 beneficiaries for the payment of unemployment benefits and other benefits.
700,000 euros to 1,000 mothers for subsidized maternity leave.
19,000,000 euros to 18,000 beneficiaries under subsidized employment programs.
1,500,000 euros to 18 beneficiaries of the “My Home” program.
Tragedy in Kalamata: A woman was found charred in her apartment
Electricity: Reduced prices for the third month in a row from PPC
Tragedy in Valencia: They are looking for missing people, water and food
Explosion in the Vineyards: They are looking for two more for the terrorist puzzle of Arkadiou
Myths and truths about mercury in tuna
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#eEFKA #DYPA #paid #week
JavaScript documentation
It seems like you’ve shared a fragment of JavaScript code that deals with loading various scripts, presumably for advertising and analytics purposes. Let’s go through what appears to be happening in this code:
1. **AdSense Removal**: The code starts by checking for elements with the class `.adsense-for-mobile` and removes any AdSense-related elements if certain conditions apply.
2. **AdSense Slot Handling**: It checks how many AdSense slots are present and contains a placeholder for asynchronously loading scripts for those slots. However, it seems that the script loading function is commented out or incomplete.
3. **Adman Integration**: There’s a section mentioning “Phaistos Adman,” where a queue is prepared to handle ad units. Again, the actual script loading appears to be incomplete or commented out.
4. **OneSignal Initialization**: This part initializes OneSignal, a service for push notifications, with a specific app ID.
5. **Disqus Setup**: It outlines a basic configuration setup for Disqus (a commenting system) with a specific page identifier. The script is loaded asynchronously after a delay of 3 seconds.
6. **Callback Handling**: There are several `asyncLoadScript(‘` statements that look like points where different scripts would be loaded but are mostly left incomplete.
7. **Commented Sections for CleverCore and Other Ad Networks**: There are parts of the code that are commented out, indicating possible implementations for additional ad networks, such as CleverCore and Taboola.
8. **Loading Conditions for Various Scripts**:
– It includes checks for AdSense and other ad APIs to load specific scripts based on their presence (like checking for Glomex integration).
9. **SetTimeout for Deferred Script Loading**: There are several setTimeout functions to delay the loading of certain scripts, presumably to improve performance or prevent conflicts.
### Recommendations:
– **Complete the Async Load Functions**: Ensure that each `asyncLoadScript(…)` call is defined with the proper URL to load its respective script.
– **Define Loading Logic Clearly**: Maintain clear logic for loading scripts based on user interaction or conditions in the DOM.
– **Error Handling**: Consider implementing error handling for the script loading to catch issues like network errors or script failures.
– **Modular Code**: If the codebase continues to grow, encapsulate related functionalities into functions or classes for better maintainability.
If you need further help with specific sections of the code or any functionality you’d like to implement, feel free to ask!