e-EFKA and DYPA: From Monday the payments to thousands of beneficiaries – 2024-07-26 11:54:05

Peloponnese Newsroom

During the period from January 15 to 19, 79,496,605 euros will be paid to 91,159 beneficiaries, and within the framework of the scheduled payments of the e-EFKA and the Public Employment Service.


1. The e-EFKA will make the following payments in the period from January 15 to 19, as part of the Agency’s regular payments:

• From January 15 to 19, 15,600,000 euros will be paid to
730 beneficiaries following the issuance of one-off decisions.
• On January 15, 133,130 euros will be paid to 120 beneficiaries for OAEE benefits.
• On January 19, 14,263,475 euros will be paid to 33,109 beneficiaries of Maternity, Breastfeeding, Sickness, Accident and Funeral Allowances.

2. The following payments will be made by DYPA:

• 25 million euros to 42,000 beneficiaries for the payment of unemployment benefits and other benefits.
• 9 million euros to 10,000 beneficiaries under subsidized employment programs.
• 2 million euros to 3,000 beneficiaries in the context of subsidized programs of a public benefit nature.
• 12 million euros to 200 beneficiaries of the “My Home” program.
• 1.5 million euros to 2,000 mothers for subsidized maternity leave.

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