E-business welcomes resolution of the Energy Efficiency Act

2023-06-01 13:28:08

Industry calls for more speed in pending legislative projects

Vienna (OTS) The E-Wirtschaft welcomes the creation of clear specifications in the field of energy efficiency and the averting of the threatening EU infringement proceedings. At the same time, the industry insists on further laws being passed in this legislative period.

Oesterreichs Energie, representing the interests of the electricity industry, sees today’s resolution of the Energy Efficiency Act in the National Council as an important step. In addition to the rapid expansion of renewables, reducing energy consumption is the key to achieving energy and climate goals. “In the areas of heating and mobility, there is still great potential for efficiency that can be leveraged through the increased use of electricity“, says Barbara Schmidt, Secretary General of Oesterreichs Energie.

E-business demands more speed

Schmidt also welcomes the fact that the new Energy Efficiency Act averted EU infringement proceedings and possible fines for Austria. “So today’s decision is also good news for Austrian taxpayers,” says Schmidt. At the same time, however, work on the other outstanding laws in the energy sector must now be intensified. “The industry is waiting for a whole series of resolutions that have been announced for this legislative period – from the Renewables Expansion Acceleration Act to the Electricity Industry Act. If the government still wants to achieve the goals it has set itself, speed would be the order of the day“, says Schmidt. In order to achieve climate neutrality by 2040, a comprehensive expansion of the Austrian electricity system is required. The grids have to be strengthened and numerous new power plants and storage facilities have to be built in a short time. This can only succeed if suitable framework conditions are created.

E-business initiatives confirmed

With regard to the energy advice centers and the planned coordination center once morest energy poverty, which today’s resolution contains, the e-business sees its own efforts confirmed – in both areas the companies in the industry are already active with a large number of initiatives themselves. In this context, Oesterreichs Energie refers to measures such as direct support for cases of hardship, equipment exchange campaigns or the possibility of installment payments, which many companies already have.

Questions & contact:

Austria’s energy
Christian Zwittnig
press secretary
0043 1 50198 – 260; Mobil: 0043 676 845019260

#Ebusiness #welcomes #resolution #Energy #Efficiency #Act



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