DYPA: Salary subsidy of up to 1,022 euros – Who are the beneficiaries? – 2024-02-23 02:23:19

To hire employees with a salary subsidy and insurance contributions from the state up to the amount of 1,022 euros per month have the opportunity to secure thousands of businesses through the DYPA program: However, those interested should hurry as everything shows the electronic platform for submitting the related applications will be closed by the end of the month. Almost 14,000 applications have already been submitted. Beneficiaries will be unemployed up to 45 years old.

Through this program, DYPA hopes to train 10,000 unemployed people in digital and green skills and create 7,500 new full-time jobs. In order to be subsidized up to 100% of the total cost (salary and contributions), with a maximum of 6,132 euros, businesses will have to hire unemployed people for six months.

Who are the beneficiaries?

Applications to participate in the program are submitted exclusively online, either through the DYPA e-services platform (dypa.gov.gr) or through gov.gr, specifically through the link:

After submitting the application, DYPA’s employment advisors will indicate to the company candidates with the required qualifications stated by the company.

Beneficiaries are private businesses, with priority given to green economy businesses and unemployed beneficiaries, registered in the DYPA unemployment register, aged 25-45.

The total budget of the employment program amounts to 41,331,600 euros and is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund.

The amounts of the wage subsidy

The duration of the training is 80 hours and the duration of employment is 6 months.

The grant amounts to 100% of the total cost (salary and contributions) for hiring unemployed people aged 25-30, i.e. €1,022 per month (€6,132 in total), and 80% for hiring unemployed people aged 31-45, i.e. 817.60 € monthly (€4,906 in total).

If the company chooses the state aid regime of the General Exemption Regulation, the grant is set at 50% of the total cost (salary and contributions) for hiring unemployed people in a disadvantaged and particularly disadvantaged position – up to €1,000 per month for unemployed 25-30 year olds and up to 800 € monthly for unemployed people aged 31-45.

The grant includes Christmas and Easter Gifts and Leave Allowance.

The application process step by step

But what is the step-by-step process that interested parties should follow?

Businesses submit an online application through gov.gr at the address:
Businesses choose the state aid regime.
Businesses identify positions, specialties and required qualifications.
DYPA confirms that the business meets the conditions, evaluating the application for affiliation within 10 working days.
DYPA indicates to companies candidates according to the qualifications of the position, within 5 working days from the issuance of the affiliation/financing decision.
The company pre-selects among the candidates within 10 working days.
DYPA informs the unemployed person pre-selected by the company by any suitable means within 3 days.
The shortlisted candidate completes an online application form, selects and attends a training program, and then takes a certification exam. ✓ After its certification, the company proceeds with recruitment.

Source: enikos.gr

#DYPA #Salary #subsidy #euros #beneficiaries



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