DYPA – New entrepreneurship program: One more week for applications – Beneficiaries

One more week for the applications to the new entrepreneurship program for beneficiaries aged 30-55 with an emphasis on the digital economy and a grant of 14,800 euros.

Her Friday, December 1, 2023 and at 15:00, the deadline for submitting online applications of the new entrepreneurship program for 1,900 beneficiaries aged 30 to 55 with an emphasis on the digital economy ends.

The action concerns the support for new businesses created from 01/01/2022 to 10/16/2023, formerly unemployed aged 30-55, in all regions of the country, except for Attica and the South Aegean.

The grant amounts to 14,800 euros and is paid as follows:

  • 1st installment 4,000 euros, after the approval of the financing application
  • 2nd installment 5,400 euros, after the end of the first semester from the start or from the date of establishment of all the terms and conditions of eligibility for inclusion in the program
  • 3rd installment 5,400 euros, after the end of the second semester from the start or from the date of establishment of all the terms and conditions of eligibility for inclusion in the program

Those interested submit a funding application exclusively through the State Aid Information System (SSIS) at the address:

The budget of the program amounts to 28,120,000 euros and is co-financed by the Greek State and the European Social Fund within the framework of the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation – EPANEK 2014 – 2020.

The process, the methodology and the evaluation criteria of the applications are described in detail in the Public Call.

For more information, interested parties can visit:

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